If you realized, a lot of girls.. guys even aim and often discuss how they want their companion to be, how their bf/gf should do and all. You see people get all worn, broken hearted, stressed over someone. Problem is, why must it be 'someone'. Why must people's goal be determined by someone/ a person? Why someone's goal in life be something they wanna do to further improve themselves? Funny thing is, if you're so afraid to get heartbroken, why be in love? Why don't wanna put your words into actions?
If you're gonna say 'if you don't love, you'll never know whether the person coming really suits not'. For that it comes back to the same qn. Why would you wanna put and allow your life to be manulpulated by someone??
if you have to ask, you'll never know
Originally posted by Summerscumbag:If you realized, a lot of girls.. guys even aim and often discuss how they want their companion to be, how their bf/gf should do and all. You see people get all worn, broken hearted, stressed over someone. Problem is, why must it be 'someone'. Why must people's goal be determined by someone/ a person? Why someone's goal in life be something they wanna do to further improve themselves? Funny thing is, if you're so afraid to get heartbroken, why be in love? Why don't wanna put your words into actions?
If you're gonna say 'if you don't love, you'll never know whether the person coming really suits not'. For that it comes back to the same qn. Why would you wanna put and allow your life to be manulpulated by someone??
Well, there aren't a lot of pessimistic/ emo people around. I wouldn't say finding a suitable partner is a goal in life, but it is certainly a desire for most. A desire to be loved, and be happily in love with someone worthy in oneself's perception.
So why do people seek that ideal partner? While some believe that they can change their loved ones and manipulate them to behave and do the things they expect, others may learn to develop a mutual understanding and acknowledge each other's faults and flaws. I've seen many divorced singles still seeking the love of their life. Some even have to raise kids on their own.
To answer your question, yes people often fail in love. I believe the real reason why people pick themselves up from where they fell, is because they have faith that love will bring them happiness.
Interesting question, easy answers.
But I can't find the words. They are all jumbled. Another day perhaps.