I hope some of the experienced engineers here could help me out with this dilemma.
I was previously doing maintenance in the military aerospace industry and during this time, I discovered that my interests lies in doing R&D. So I went to complete a electronics degree with 1st class honours while switching to a career in the service industry doing maintenance and repairs of RF equipment. Meanwhile, I have applied for many R&D jobs and have not yet received even an interview call.
Is there really no way out for someone like me to get into R&D at the age of 29? Or should i just resign to my fate and continue in the service line. How about getting a masters or pay cut just to get into a R&D position. I believe I am not the only one going through this.
it depends on the field I guess .... didn't philip yeo said something about a bachelors is only good enough to wash test tube in the life sciences ? ...
I think it holds true in other technical fields as well ... your best chance may actually be in academia ..... have you looked at grad school ? ....
Why don't you try.... applying for it?