check this out..
*sexcitedly videotapes the whole thing down*
that sounds more like breakfast but yeah, when it comes to gluttony vs sloth, sloth wins for me most of the time.
Originally posted by cassie:How was yer din? Mom cooked?
good. mom's cooking. there was sliced potato with minced pork, veg and pork liver soup.
Originally posted by cassie:Sometimes having someone cook for you ensures that you’ll be eating right. Case in point – MPB. There has been loads of times my diet went haywire all coz I’m living alone.
I know what you mean. when mom isn't cooking and I'm too lazy to cook or buy takeout, I end up eating all sorts of junk that I dig up from the fridge or cabinets
Originally posted by cassie:One reason why I don’t stock up at home! So the only times I eat junk is when I raid the office food drawers tho my secretary has been buying a lot of healthier stuff these past few round.
Ah, like I mentioned before, we have a big snack stash in the office, which I raid regularly, on very rainy or busy days sometimes that ends up providing lunch . Another source of junk food is leftover refreshments from workshops/training at the seminar rooms
Originally posted by cassie:Actually I’ve been pretty good with my diet these past few weeks or was it months. Or rather my stomach can’t stomach too much and definitely can’t stomach too much junk. BTW is it House or CSI tonight?
House on AXN at 10pm. they're re-running season 3 I think.
Originally posted by cassie:You watched it already?
Think I should claim the record for taking the longest time to finish cereals and milk!
I missed episodes here and there. hope tonight's is one that I missed previously.
and you still haven't finished your cereal?! how large a bowl is it?
Originally posted by cassie:Not that huge! And I don’t dump the milk into the cereals – makes them too mushy. So I put bits into the bowl now and again. I’m just going with the excuse that I’m reading, surfing and checking my mails concurrently. LOL!
ah...ok, I was thinking the stuff must be all gross by now if you had done it the normal way
in 5 min you can add another task to your multitasking. watching House.
great! I haven't watched this one.
Originally posted by cassie:Finished my din already lar! Somehow Newsweek seems to be winning the war vis-a-vis House.
omfg newsweek
Originally posted by cassie:Stop swearing! It’s not nice lar! And what’s wrong with Newsweek?
Logging off now. Enjoy House! BTW, and again…Happy Birthday!
I actually read it. But newsweek vs house, house wins for me.
even Chuck Norris has fallen on bad times..
*me peeks inside*
Took a break from revision - went to watch Madagascar just now.
Hilarious movie..... but the penguins were not given enough screen time.
The evil penguins are the best!
oh yeah.. burn Madagascar 2 on disc...
i haven't even watched madagascar 1 yet