there's accent.
there's dialect.
there's creole.
there's new english.
'singlish' is not an accent. neither is it a dialect. but depending on who you speak to....actually the wiki page on singlish is pretty good.
and according to those who have 'studied' singlish, there's apparently some structure to it. hurhur. i'm so not going into that because that'll have to involve all the grammar crap which is why i am not will not and will never take linguistics :x
and btw, i got the double cheese with fries. SO DAMN GOOD AND SO CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! HHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE =D =D =D im a happy girl =D
Oh well I'm not particular - I think Singlish for regular interactions are okay ba
and as long as majority of people can be understood and get their message across without corrupting the meaning too much...
and for official communication etc during work and all, to maintain using a reasonable standard of English
Ok lah.
singlish is a mix of dialects.
there are chinese words, hokkien, malay...etc etc.
I'm wondering did pinky bear watch tat Ch 8 drama currently screening tat is circling around engineers
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:Oh well I'm not particular - I think Singlish for regular interactions are okay ba
and as long as majority of people can be understood and get their message across without corrupting the meaning too much...
and for official communication etc during work and all, to maintain using a reasonable standard of English
Ok lah.
the main problem is that people forget to switch off singlish when they speak to people overseas.
no one understands "lah, lor, makan, on the light, ear already?"
u don't need to fake an ang moh accent to ask if someone has had his lunch.
Originally posted by Rhonda:When I meet fellow Singaporeans here, we break out into Singlish phrases. I'm not so hoity-toity that I'm above Singlish. My main grouse is when foreigners THINK that Singlish is all we speak and then proceed to treat us with condescension like we're some under-developed country.
I think people who .. are like that will probably just manage to find another reason to treat us with condescension, even if we do speak perfect English.
have you guys any idea how long it has been since i've had my last burger....OHMYGOD! i wish i had gotten a second one T.T
there's also problems with 'proper' english. once in singapore, someone asked me if i had something in the boot. a boot to me, is something you wear on your feet. after many 'whats' and 'huhs'. she said 'that compartment at the back of the car'. ohhhhh.........
to me, that's a trunk >.<
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:I think people who .. are like that will probably just manage to find another reason to treat us with condescension, even if we do speak perfect English.
If we do speak English, and they still act like ignorant bastards, then, I can only say, bo bian, they are dumb dumbs lor!
Basically, if someone wants to be racist, they will, no matter what.
Originally posted by kopiosatu:the main problem is that people forget to switch off singlish when they speak to people overseas.
no one understands "lah, lor, makan, on the light, ear already?"
u don't need to fake an ang moh accent to ask if someone has had his lunch.
kopi, your post reminds me of this Aussie man who proudly boasted to me of how he had to travel frequently to Singapore for business LAH and then he started to inject LAH into every bloody sentence he said! I got a bit irritated after about 10 mins of non-stop Lah'ing, and all from him, not a single one from me.
So I told him politely, "Hey, mate, you can ease off on the 'lah's' because I already get it that you appreciate Singlish." (That was the my polite way of saying, "Shut up, you lah'ing idiot!"
He persisted in lah'ing all the way so I just let him drone on and on and my mind went elsewhere. Then when he asked me for a date, guess if I accepted or not.
Originally posted by udontknowme:have you guys any idea how long it has been since i've had my last burger....OHMYGOD! i wish i had gotten a second one T.T
there's also problems with 'proper' english. once in singapore, someone asked me if i had something in the boot. a boot to me, is something you wear on your feet. after many 'whats' and 'huhs'. she said 'that compartment at the back of the car'. ohhhhh.........
to me, that's a trunk >.<
Oh well, Blame the British.
Actually, should be blame the Americans -for making boots into trunks and bonnets into hoods.
speaking of grocery prices
though commodity prices has gone down, e bigger supermarket player aren't reducing the food prices though e smaller provision shops are doing so
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:Oh well, Blame the British.
Actually, should be blame the Americans -for making boots into trunks and bonnets into hoods.
They have bastardised the English language, for sure!
Originally posted by Rhonda:If we do speak English, and they still act like ignorant bastards, then, I can only say, bo bian, they are dumb dumbs lor!
Basically, if someone wants to be racist, they will, no matter what.
exactly. and if someone wants to behave like a superior asshole - well, they find any reason to fart.
I hate e American English spelling
Originally posted by Rhonda:kopi, your post reminds me of this Aussie man who proudly boasted to me of how he had to travel frequently to Singapore for business LAH and then he started to inject LAH into every bloody sentence he said!
I got a bit irritated after about 10 mins of non-stop Lah'ing, and all from him, not a single one from me.
So I told him politely, "Hey, mate, you can ease off on the 'lah's' because I already get it that you appreciate Singlish." (That was the my polite way of saying, "Shut up, you lah'ing idiot!"
He persisted in lah'ing all the way so I just let him drone on and on and my mind went elsewhere.
Then when he asked me for a date, guess if I accepted or not.
dowan, LAH
I love my British friends' accents! I also love the Canadian accent, and I love the American accent. I find the South African accent very close to ours too. I find accents very interesting.
I love to ask my British friends questions, and then let them drone on cause I love their accent! I love them to bits, they are such interesting people! One of my British colleagues call me "chook"!
anyhow, here's the news abt the canadian prof.
wish i was born 10 years later. because by then, maybe we really won't be graded anymore! (or, we'd all get As!)
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:exactly. and if someone wants to behave like a superior asshole - well, they find any reason to fart.
ShroCat, do you know that I admire your English a lot? Promise to correct me when I'm grammatically challenged, ok? I feel my standard of English is sliding.
Originally posted by udontknowme:dowan, LAH
He was truly irritating! Imagine listening to a 'lah' after EVERY single sentence! Crikey, mate! Koala ripped your brains out?!
Originally posted by udontknowme:anyhow, here's the news abt the canadian prof.
wish i was born 10 years later. because by then, maybe we really won't be graded anymore! (or, we'd all get As!)
Aaaah harharhar! Yeah! Cause if they failed anyone, you can sue the institution for 'mental distress' and 'psychological damages'!
ohhh...speaking of psychological whatevers.
if you have a 'disability' of any sort, you can get A LOT A LOT A WHOLE DAMN LOT of benefits. ranging from extended exam time, to having a different exam from the rest of the class, to having someone take notes for you, have profs give you notes, excused for missing classes etc.
all you need to do, is to be a good enough actor. depression and AD(H)D are the easiest. and if you 'get' AD(H)D, you can sell your meds for a nice price too...! woohoo!!
that being 'said', i do believe that some people really need these benefits. but really, i betcha it's totally being abused!
Originally posted by udontknowme:ohhh...speaking of psychological whatevers.
if you have a 'disability' of any sort, you can get A LOT A LOT A WHOLE DAMN LOT of benefits. ranging from extended exam time, to having a different exam from the rest of the class, to having someone take notes for you, have profs give you notes, excused for missing classes etc.
all you need to do, is to be a good enough actor. depression and AD(H)D are the easiest. and if you 'get' AD(H)D, you can sell your meds for a nice price too...! woohoo!!
that being 'said', i do believe that some people really need these benefits. but really, i betcha it's totally being abused!
In EVERY welfare state, there will be lots of people abusing the benefits. Basically, if a monkey can get away with murder, a monkey will commit murder.
my ear's bleeding :x
as in...the pierced bit of my ear is bleeding :x
CNY season is soon going to be over