I took the bumboat to Pengerang last weekend and chance upon a brochure at Pengerang Jetty. There is a mountain bike rental at Pengerang now!!! ;=) Me and 2 of my frens call the company, they came to pick us up to their centre. We took 3 bikes from them. All brand new bikes! We cycled to Sg Rengit, had seafood... yummy....
Return the bike to them and they send us back to the jetty. We paid $10 for the bicycle. What a good one! no need to carry the bicycle onto the bumboat, and save some money paying for bicycle charge on bumboat.
They got pit bike too rental too, but too bad we dont have the time to try it out.
Go check it out: http://www.tristangroup.com
I am going for their pit bike lessons soon. Anybody interested?
Since there is already a Chit Chat thread on this, I declare this thread closed.