I am not the guy you mentioned.
Wondering why I can't post my question to this consider more matural forum?
I need matural people's advice.
Btw, I never mention I am handsome.
I think you get better adv in Aunt Agony.
Seriously, I think you should know better why you can't get a local gf or your friends will know better, if they will be honest with you.
Those items you mentioned is barely scratching the surface and impossible to tell why you can't find a gf.
Or maybe, you be better off getting a HK girl?
Anyway, since this is to Bear, I'll let him decide if he wants to answer you or lock this thread.
I just want to know whether I could meet their expections.
Maybe I could find out more from forumers here and improve.
Please do what is necessary.
Thank you.
it got move by the admin over there..
Originally posted by the Bear:it got move by the admin over there..
I still see this in Club 30 >.<"
I don't know what to adv you because I know people who earn more than you, have a car and actually look good and can't get a gf.
Please remove this topic.
Thank you.
okay.. lock then