Its about any issue......doesn't really have to be politically or scientifically accurate......
So i will start of by saying that the flooded portion of orchard Sinking. It isn't rocket scientist to know that water flow downstream rather than Outstreams.....Maybe all the digging and construction has caused the area to sink. Maybe The authority isn;t saying the real stuff....... he he he.
10 years from now it will be Lake Orchard.
okay.. i'll play...
looking at the emo teens wringing their hands over inconsequential things like their haircuts and fashion, they're going to grow up, look back on their lives and feel stupid
Hello Kitty.....
I still don't get the attraction over the overprice fury little thing and am sure that i would never GET It in this lifetime.........
hindsight 20/20 .....hello kitty....maybe is about........ Finding Nemo..............yes its about Nemo looking for the Ocean. So that Kitty get to EAT NeMO.....
See i told ya would never Get it this lifetime.... : )
S$1,200 RWS fish dish shocker
Should have figure out when they walked into a Feng Shui Resturant.......
Fish need "Shui" to swim essentially the shui came from customers wallet.
Below is a statement by online review of Feng Shui Rest.....
"I'd be here for the serenity, but not so much for the food"
Originally posted by Arapahoe:S$1,200 RWS fish dish shocker
Should have figure out when they walked into a Feng Shui Resturant.......
Fish need "Shui" to swim essentially the shui came from customers wallet.
Below is a statement by online review of Feng Shui Rest.....
"I'd be here for the serenity, but not so much for the food"
If I wanted serenity, I can go to many places
Originally posted by elindra:
If I wanted serenity, I can go to many places
I'm sured.....But i would never know. I'm on MSG free diet so that eliminate 90% of the eating place in SG......99.9% chinese resturant in SG.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:
I'm sured.....But i would never know. I'm on MSG free diet so that eliminate 90% of the eating place in SG......99.9% chinese resturant in SG.
You're allergic to MSG?
Or just for health reasons
Originally posted by elindra:
You're allergic to MSG?Or just for health reasons
OMG that sucks.
You have to be very careful then because some of the sauces they sell in the supermarkets also contain MSG
Originally posted by elindra:OMG that sucks.
You have to be very careful then because some of the sauces they sell in the supermarkets also contain MSG will be surprised the amount of MSG food Singaporean consumed. ALL Hawker food centers are practically MSG Haven......Even when some sauce did not reflect MSG it has MSG biproduct and that too brings up breathing problems.
so here are the MSG Free sauce.
1) MSG free Miso paste to replace most sauce.
2) All oyster sauce except 1 brand Wah Hop Vegetarin oyster sauce has no MSG.
Other MSG Free food sold in Sg market.
3) Koka instant noodle has MSG free noodles.
4) All Fishball has MSG except Sakura brand fish ball and fish cake is MSG free.
5) There are MSG free spices from Prima......
Hey I use that vegetarian oyster sauce too
I have this habit of reading labels so I try to avoid stuff with MSG when I can
I am not sure about the soysauce in Singapore though because the ones I use are all Malaysian brands which don’t contain msg
Originally posted by elindra:Hey I use that vegetarian oyster sauce too
I have this habit of reading labels so I try to avoid stuff with MSG when I can
I am not sure about the soysauce in Singapore though because the ones I use are all Malaysian brands which don’t contain msg
There are plenty of junk ingredients out there especially if you have kids. So reading labels and researching on health nutricient is a good way to educate yourself.
For soya sauce, MSG biproduct are the ones to be conern. If they used original beans and salt fergmentation its fine. But if they go into chemical process and favoring thats it -- it has MSG.
See MSG makers are also wise to change labelling to more technical terms to disguse MSG.
That's the reason why I prefer to buy the soysauce from Malaysia
They still use the traditional brewing method and I only buy the brands which I know still do.
New Hindsight on "Down the Drain........."
If you pour "Down the Drain" will Flood Orchard Road......ha ha ha.....
If i said Singapore is "Down the Drain" that means.....Rain heavily in Singapore....
I actually found this facilitiy located in the south of Sg only open once a week --- Friday.
I realized for the day that they go to work they could literally said.......Thank God is Friday!!! either they get to work at all or the next day is weekend ....!!!
Now.....if we can just cut the bullshit at work literally that is all we need to spend 1 day a week.
Hmm... on hindsight, whilst silence may be golden most of the time, silence may cause regrets if used in the wrong situation and at the wrong time.
Silence is oft misunderstood as apathy, when in fact, the person maintaining silence might in actual fact, be hiding the tumultuous tides within.
Therefore, silence might just not be a virtue all of the time.
One may micro-plan and strategise one's life, and watch helplessly as the best laid plans crumble and go awry.
Another may appear clueless and just go with the flow, and enjoy golden opportunities red-carpet their path to success.
Sometimes, you just can't win fate. Sometimes, all you can do is just duck down, let the waters of bad luck / fate drench you, and quietly wait for the tide to ebb.
I would rather be a 'foreign talent' and a '2nd class resident' in a foreign land, than remain in my home country as a '1st class citizen'.
Because life is more than an endless, mindless rat race...
Because I love to take time out to literally stop and smell the roses...
Because my dreams can actually come true in this land, and someday, I can rest in a home I call my own...
Because here, you can actually find lots of down-to-earth folks who aren't shallow and materialistic, and who won't judge you by your physical appearance because to them, they do not obsess over glossy packaging...
Because your mind, body, spirit, emotional and mental health can be nurtured here...
Because the four seasons can be enjoyed as a universal indication of a change in pace and a different set of things to enjoy and prepare for...
Because I am free to decide which direction to head towards without having to conform to rigid norms...
And finally, because... just because...
i like your thoughts rhonda :)
LF!!! You're online!
Thanks! Sudden inspiration to write cause I can't sleep tonight.
Another hindsight 20/20...
When things do not proceed as planned,
When everything that can go wrong, goes wrong,
And just when you thought it can never get worse than this, but it does,
You'll feel that you have overflowing reasons to be angry, hateful, and bitter
Before you head down that path, STOP
Anger, Hatred, and Bitterness are triplets waiting to draw you into their trap
Be careful or Anger, Hatred and Bitterness will become your lifelong companions.
Instead, even though you do not understand what's happening,
Even though you feel you cannot possibly be thankful for whatever's occured,
Choose to be thankful anyways
Give thanks for what little you have
Even if you feel it's ridiculous, be thankful
Even when you're hurting so bad you can't stop crying, say your thanks
Because even if you've lost everything,
You wouldn't have lost your sense of hope for tomorrow,
And gratitude for what little you have
Because to those who can be thankful for little,
Much will be given.
Originally posted by Rhonda:LF!!! You're online!
Thanks! Sudden inspiration to write cause I can't sleep tonight.
me online. check out my fb, i kana plane crisis again..
Originally posted by LOTUSfairy:
me online. check out my fb, i kana plane crisis again..
Did u poop and LS in the plane... Gawd!!! :D
Originally posted by Rhonda:
I would rather be a 'foreign talent' and a '2nd class resident' in a foreign land, than remain in my home country as a '1st class citizen'.
Because life is more than an endless, mindless rat race...
Because I love to take time out to literally stop and smell the roses...
Because my dreams can actually come true in this land, and someday, I can rest in a home I call my own...
Because here, you can actually find lots of down-to-earth folks who aren't shallow and materialistic, and who won't judge you by your physical appearance because to them, they do not obsess over glossy packaging...
Because your mind, body, spirit, emotional and mental health can be nurtured here...
Because the four seasons can be enjoyed as a universal indication of a change in pace and a different set of things to enjoy and prepare for...
Because I am free to decide which direction to head towards without having to conform to rigid norms...
And finally, because... just because...
Great post. Although personally I don't see people in terms of foreigners or citizens, since I don't subscribe to the concept of countries or borders.
Speaking of Hindsight wisdom, I think I used to date really scary men -_-“ They may be successful career wise but seriously I think they all have the same issue of letting go and I think deep down inside they are a little pyscho & stalkers >.<”