Originally posted by the Bear:i wonder why these people bother?
The way I see it, those students who seem to care are those who have to pay their own way through university. These students know that they will have a heavy debt burden to handle after graduation, and the only way to deal with it is to do well academically.
I know, because I was one such undergraduate.
Those whose parents pay for everything have less at stake.... hence, those who don't give a sh*t tend to fall within this category.
i still wonder why do they bother even going to uni if they're going to waste the tuition fees...
and the fees are substantial!
might as well take the money and start a small business or something.. at least that has a chance of success
Originally posted by fudgester:The way I see it, those students who seem to care are those who have to pay their own way through university. These students know that they will have a heavy debt burden to handle after graduation, and the only way to deal with it is to do well academically.
I know, because I was one such undergraduate.
Those whose parents pay for everything have less at stake.... hence, those who don't give a sh*t tend to fall within this category.
same here...although mine was a partial scholarship
Originally posted by cassie:
same here...although mine was a partial scholarship
Actually, those with scholarships also tend to work harder.
That's because they know that they have to show results to justify their scholarships, which may get pulled should they fall below the benchmark.
Originally posted by the Bear:but you'll see the parents scold the child for being "stupid and naive"
Yeah, and that was when my friend see liao buay tahan and told the parent off
Originally posted by the Bear:
Actually, most of the developed countries are doomed.
Originally posted by av98m:
Actually, most of the developed countries are doomed.
not much a difference here either. my observation.
first thing in the office and my colleague is complaining to me how terrible koo teck phuat hospital is...
or maybe it's just the CNY period...
mai gawd...
my good working pace has been distrupted by a meaningless meeting... ... ...
Good Morning
Happy Birthday Everybody
heypi bday~~~
today is ren ri~~~
i forgot about this! looks like tonite's dinner is noodles! will pick up something on the way home.
lou hei again in 30mins~~~
Originally posted by cassie:
not much a difference here either. my observation.
sausage mcgriddles with egg, chicken mcnuggets, and strawberry sundaes are still my guilty pleasures
I'll be having clear chicken soup with carrots instead.
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:lou hei again in 30mins~~~
this is number ? for this year? so far, only twice for me. thank goodness. my "record" (or sorts) was 8 or 10 a few years back.
So far for me it's once only for lou hei
Anyway, I don't like it. It's too sweet
super sleepy now... and I got a meeting later...
Got a question to ask you guys:
My CPU's power supply has been making quite a loud hum, and it has been kinda bugging me and a couple of my nearby colleagues.
I've noticed that the CPUs of my colleagues hardly make any noise at all compared to mine.
So I'm thinking of getting a new power supply unit.... except that costs around $100.
What do you guys think? Is it worth it to shell out a hundred bucks for a little peace and quiet?
well, PSU is a very impt component...
Has ur PSU been so noisy all along or only just recently?
A faulty PSU is hard to test, but if it does provide unstable power to ur hardwares, it'll slowly fry some of them over time...
But if you're just asking abt the sounds then ask your collick if they find the sound distruptive... if they dun then just get used to it, i think...
The PSU has always been humming slightly... but it's only been recently that the hum has gotten more audible.
My colleagues aren't all that perturbed by the noise, except that they do notice a marked difference between when my PC is on and when my PC is off.
That said, I am somewhat disturbed by it, what with the CPU being right next to me.
Oh, what the hey. I'll just lug the damn thing down to West Coast Plaza tomorrow and get a new PSU installed. That's the closest PC shop to NUS.
My PSU is only 450W, anyway..... I suspect that my power requirements have gone up ever since I replaced my graphics card. I guess I'll go for at least 550W.
Well do remember that once u change ur PSU, it might hum more loudly then the previous one