Originally posted by SBS2601D:nnb.
Because my income for 2010 exceeded 2k (just), I was subjected to income tax.
You know, I would gladly pay income tax.
Because my not having to pay it is what's that's stopping me from owning my own home.
Originally posted by elindra:
Don't complain laMost of us here have been paying income tax and crying every year
As you guys know MPB and I are planning for a cub
I was looking at some infant care centres and rates start at S$1,500 a month!!! OMG!!! And if you pick up the kid late you are subject to "fines"
My 40 + pets don't even cost so much a month!
The days when one of you could stay at home are long gone, and over here very few workplaces let you take the kids to work or have childcare facilities. It's not attractive at all.
... and this is how they want to increase the number of children Singaporeans bear?
Fail post on AsiaOne...
Link>> Top Chef Santi Santamaria died
The title was "Top Chef Santi Santamaria Died"...
The opening para was "One of the world's top chefs Santi Santamaria collapsed and died at a marathon food tasting event at Marina Bay Sands for the international media last night."
but the last line of the article was "I hope chef Santi gets well soon. We look forward to his beef cheeks braised in red wine and hearty large meatballs in a soothing broth."
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:The days when one of you could stay at home are long gone, and over here very few workplaces let you take the kids to work or have childcare facilities. It's not attractive at all.
and for women in the teaching service, they get a 'D' grade (perfomance assessment) for the year they get pregnant and go for maternity leave. and such a grade haunts you for 3 years.
Originally posted by av98m:
and for women in the teaching service, they get a 'D' grade (perfomance assessment) for the year they get pregnant and go for maternity leave. and such a grade haunts you for 3 years.
sometimes i wonder wtf is wrong with the idiots running the place...
then i remember the HR Director and what kind of slimebag he is...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:Fail post on AsiaOne...
Link>> Top Chef Santi Santamaria died
The title was "Top Chef Santi Santamaria Died"...
The opening para was "One of the world's top chefs Santi Santamaria collapsed and died at a marathon food tasting event at Marina Bay Sands for the international media last night."
but the last line of the article was "I hope chef Santi gets well soon. We look forward to his beef cheeks braised in red wine and hearty large meatballs in a soothing broth."
They expect him to rise up from the dead? O.O
poor guy.. RIP..
and i guess some people never read or are living in the Final Fantasy world where they can get their hands on Phoenix Down
I dunno man... maybe they've finally made food which could resurrect ppl...
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:The days when one of you could stay at home are long gone, and over here very few workplaces let you take the kids to work or have childcare facilities. It's not attractive at all.
I have not told MPB the price yet.
I think he will freak
$1,500 is a lot of dinners at Lawry’s :x
And $1,500 is the starting price! It could be more!
time to sleep...
back a lot later
Originally posted by the Bear:sometimes i wonder wtf is wrong with the idiots running the place...
then i remember the HR Director and what kind of slimebag he is...
they're actually quite open about it. they tell people that they have to make a choice between family and career. maybe thats why most of the women in senior management are single.
I’m not surprised. With the standard of living you will really put money first before anything else
I mean yeah with children you can gain happiness (if they are good) if not they will be a major cause of unnecessary stress, heartaches, anger and not to mention a hole in the pocket
Seriously these days, if you list the pros & cons of having children, I think the cons list is really much higher than maybe the ego booster of creating another human being.
It’s like over CNY, my friend (with 3 kids) told me she really like my bag and asked me how much is it. I told her I got it at a really great price at $160 @ 50% off.
She was like … wah Hiroshima bags are so expensive. This was someone who don’t think twice about buying branded bags before -_-“
Hmmmm... going for lunch @ some vegetarian resturant @ kitchener road...
Originally posted by elindra:
I have not told MPB the price yet.
I think he will freak
$1,500 is a lot of dinners at Lawry’s :x
And $1,500 is the starting price! It could be more!
you should just quit your job and open a child care center instead!
back from lunch...
Zheng Fo Shi Jie Vegetarian Resturant @ Kitchener Road...
boss bought lunch?
nope... boss at mountain top...
7 Hours difference in the Land of Chocolate
land of chocolate?
Originally posted by cassie:land of chocolate?
Switz... or was it geneviere...?
well somewhere in tat region...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
Switz... or was it geneviere...?
well somewhere in tat region...
ah geneva...nice place from what i gather. one of my classmates work there but it's a pretty expensive place to live though - coming from a Brit
Originally posted by cassie:
ah geneva...nice place from what i gather. one of my classmates work there but it's a pretty expensive place to live though - coming from a Brit
The macdonald is SUPER EXPENSIVE...