Originally posted by SBS2601D:Public transport and utility bills all set to go up again. Nothing new.
Seriously, why are people suprised whenever this happens?
Originally posted by fudgester:In other news... I quote the Straits Times:
Lim Swee Say: Every sector ought to find a way so that more of you will become like the Lady Gaga of your respective sectors,' he said in encouraging companies to strive to deliver a level of experience that will draw strong support and emotional attachment from customers.
Seriously, what is with the gahmen and Lady Gaga?
I think the way to improve the service sector is proper training AND to start paying service staff a decent wage. But hey, what do I know?
yeah lor....I mean....even that counts as a track record.
Originally posted by SevenEleven:I'm on a black garlic, celery juice and bittergourd diet
. My BP is 142/99 and is not an acceptable level. mrs 7/11 ultimatium is that if my BP cannot be back to normal, i'll not be allow to scale Mt Kailash...
So it's 1 week 4 days workout for me
ack :\
good luck with that!
But seriously the effect of diesel is super big this time..
Yet MOF collects petrol tax, nothing given to bus co unlike in HK.
So who to blame in name of progress? Cardboard factories are hoarding diesel & generators to produce your iPad, iPhone
progress indeed
cheaper better faster.....
The interns at my place are fed up as being used as cheap labour and when they wanted to leave, were threatened with all kinds of things and told they were crucial to the success of the project.
What kinda "crucial interning" is that?
That's what you get working with SMEs....especially those bred in Singapore with that "Lim Swee Say" mantra.
I got an heart attack when I saw $1.40 per lit for diesel...
It's now even more ex than petrol in reality.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:cheaper better faster.....
The interns at my place are fed up as being used as cheap labour and when they wanted to leave, were threatened with all kinds of things and told they were crucial to the success of the project.
What kinda "crucial interning" is that?
That's what you get working with SMEs....especially those bred in Singapore with that "Lim Swee Say" mantra.
reminds me
Here everything cheap labour, up there e wages...
I dunno, even asking ppl to 'buy n trade shares' only benefit e rich.
Originally posted by sbst275:But seriously the effect of diesel is super big this time..
Yet MOF collects petrol tax, nothing given to bus co unlike in HK.
So who to blame in name of progress? Cardboard factories are hoarding diesel & generators to produce your iPad, iPhone
progress indeed
SBST asked for fare hike. That one I dont mind. SBST is practically overhauling the entire fleet and is still in the process. 1100 K230UBs, 500 B9TLs, 300 0530s....nearly 2000 buses in all. Fine. I accept SBST's explaination, esecpially since SBST's resources are better managed and no nonsense chartering and all of that.
SMRT is different. No improvement, in fact regress somemore. Still got the cheek to ask for fare hike. Pui!
talking abt diesel generators in PRC
Cardboard's latest bullet train kena electricity rationing as well...
any case is it me or wat
e atas scholars cannot visualise things si boh?
Why why? Each n every first reply from zheng hu feedback is nothing but all theoritical stuff?
Originally posted by sbst275:any case is it me or wat
e atas scholars cannot visualise things si boh?
Why why? Each n every first reply from zheng hu feedback is nothing but all theoritical stuff?
lots of scociopaths with good academic records get scholarships. look at that fucker chan chun sing.
hell, its very likely that wee"get out of my elite uncaring face" shu min has also become a gahmen scholoar since that pissup over her blog years ago.
Actually e public tpt crunch no one has gotten it right
When the scholars started to push for start skool later, I'd knew sooner or later public tpt resources cannot cope w/ crash or concentrated loading bet 7am & 7:45am when ppl are going to work & school.
Somemore SBS should look into more double decks, the 10 mins bus freq thing dun work because the treshold of 80% is too high (Even buses like 32 goes 10 mins). Some svs might end up get more capacity should it be 12 mins and using double decks instead.
i.e. 6x 80 capacity single decks < 5x 110 capacity single decks (say 11m series).
More seats somemore
The policies the govt comes up with make sense....but the world they live in is not entirely sensible. Its not helpful that their statements tend to be cold and when people protest, they express surprise.
And a friend who came back from USA said the political situation here and all the stuff here in general is still so much better than where he had studied for the past 4 years. Looking at the debt impasse and the nonsense the Republicans are spouting...I'm inclined to agree with that.
And he went on to say the average American is stupid and supposes that USA is the world.
"And he went on to say the average American is stupid and supposes that USA is the world."
that's how dubya got elected twice! he secured the redneck/dumbass vote.
To note of this too. Worrying is the Nationalistic PRC & US seeing the world is them.... When they clash.
Don't think they'll clash at the moment...too much at stake. And at the moment, USA still holds the upper hand militarily.
Anybody who supposes that the US Navy, which is actually the one that projects US power, is "weakened relatively to the other powers", have obviously never seen the Ohio cruise missile subs, the Nimitz class carriers, and the Ticonderoga class cruiser.
Heck. One Ticonderoga already carries a whopping 122 Tomahawk missiles...even Russia's flagship doesnt come close to this "just-another-ship-in-USN".
China is rightfully wary of the USN involvements in the exercises.
I've been telling people that the US and china would fight another war within 30 years ... looks like it'll happen sooner than expected ....
the danger here is not that the US would actually lose ..... the danger here is that the chinese thinks they won't lose either ....
and the commies are slippery buggers, if you've been following the commentaries in the straits times, they'd go "peaceful rise only, force only to defend own territorial interests .... " ... but what happens when their "core territorial interests" happens to encompass most of the south china sea ? ...
tat's e problem, South China Sea dispute is one big issue.
Any case, our Chinese news been going tiong in naming of places or cities.
you realize the mandarin news nowadays basically caters to the large local ah tiong population nowadays ? ....
it's mostly from the perspective of the ah tiongs nowadays anyways ....
china this, china that ......
freaking hell, it's like fairchild TV back in pluto ....
Back from SMU... incase u peeps wonder why I'm not online, I didn't charge my phone and I left my work lappy in office... jialat sia...
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Don't think they'll clash at the moment...too much at stake. And at the moment, USA still holds the upper hand militarily.
Anybody who supposes that the US Navy, which is actually the one that projects US power, is "weakened relatively to the other powers", have obviously never seen the Ohio cruise missile subs, the Nimitz class carriers, and the Ticonderoga class cruiser.
Heck. One Ticonderoga already carries a whopping 122 Tomahawk missiles...even Russia's flagship doesnt come close to this "just-another-ship-in-USN".
China is rightfully wary of the USN involvements in the exercises.
Dun under-estimate the technology copying ability of the cardboard land... Next moment, they might copy alien technology ~
Originally posted by av98m:"And he went on to say the average American is stupid and supposes that USA is the world.
that's how dubya got elected twice! he secured the redneck/dumbass vote.
This was from three years ago..... but I still LOL at it:
Al Jazeera interviews some Southerners about Obama
Seriously, democracy is wasted on rednecks.
They did plenty of reverse-engineering...for sure.
But my guess is that China and USA won't fight within 30 years. Even USSR and USA did not clash directly.
Its just not worth the trouble, especially when you can get your proxies and kah-kia to test your weapons out for you. And certainly not when China is holding USA's debt and the USA is buying so much of China's products. Moreover China is like Singapore, emphasis on economic growth. They won't do anything stupid to disturb it risk the people's wrath. Already peace-time inflation is so high, can't imagine wartime inflation.
And it seems more likely that Israel would go to war instead....as always the case.
War is a terrible thing.