Post funny pics of stuff here~~~
Here I go:
Twitter user will find this familiar...
For 2601 and the minty balls~~~
these are
Soviet Red Army Statue... MacDonald spotted behind superman
Ironically, why is there Captain America???
Boys will be boys~
Guy see girls nosebleed... U think it's only in japanese anime or cartoons? Think again~~~
jinfunnysauce: Stomp
More pictures in the link...
Sometimes your body just can't hide the fact you're thinking those nasty thoughts. In true Japanese animation style, this Chinese man's nose simply let the cat out of the bag.
STOMPer SelfPWNT commented:
"If his cheesy grin didn't give him away, this Chinese man's bleeding nose certainly betrayed his thoughts!
"I thought this was something that only happens on Japanese anime, but it seems it's quite, quite real.
"Simply hilarious!"
From china's 3 floating government officials...
There's suddenly alot of spin off
I cannot stop laughing HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hmmmmm... They do look alike
Now now, wat to do in an event like this???
hey it's the small cow ! ...