our birth rate got hope liao!
no $ to do in hotel so do at carpark lor
got oral meh that pic
kiss mah. . .
the best is hor, i read halfway then got jolin pop out
Originally posted by maskedangel:kiss mah. . .
lol. ok, i get it.
omg.... underage sex!
rofl i saw this in the NEW paper tdy and if I am right
They were dancing nude
...looks like the painter scored.
He looks like one of those China construction workers.
kiss nia... what's the big deal?
many ppl obviously no click to read the article in chinese
can someone translate keypoints... hurhur.
Oh my god. The guy is going to injure his spine. Look at his Posture, his spine is bending back!!! And they are just kissing what then the TS said oral I thought oral sex lol
translate translate translate pls.
Woodlands Street 73
Blk 686A MSCP
Originally posted by FireIce:keypoint:
Woodlands Street 73
Blk 686A MSCP
...... more more!
translation by my Dr. eye software... 75% correct only...
å°�情侣光天化日,å�œè½¦åœºäº²çƒç¼ 绵,还进行å�£äº¤ï¼Œå¼•èµ·å±…民炮轰。 Dr.eye: In broad daylight of little lover, the parking area is affectionate and touching, still hand in the mouth, cause residents to bombard.
这场“亲çƒç§€”在兀兰73é�“第686A座的多层å�œè½¦åœºä¸Šæ¼”,附近组屋的一些居民亲眼目ç�¹ï¼Œçº·çº·è°´è´£æƒ…侣的大胆行径。 Dr.eye: This " affectionate show " Perform in towering blue 73 Block 686A of multi-layer parking areas, some residents in the nearby block witness, condemn the lover's bold conduct one after another.
记者接到通报�到现场查看,�现多层�车场的四周都是组屋区,虽然地点颇为�秘,但��到6楼和7楼,到能清楚看到�车场所�生的事。 Dr.eye: To looking over live, find that all block areas around the multi-layer parking area after the reporter receives and notifies, though place rather concealed, reach the 6th floor and the 7th floor, is it can is it is it park thing that the place take place to see to clear to get.
æ�®è®°è€…观察,该对å°�情侣举动亲çƒï¼Œå°‘男赤裸ç�€ä¸Šèº«ï¼Œå°‘女则穿ç�€æ¸…凉,两人å¸åœ°è€Œå��,亲密动作åƒ�是在ç�¢ç£¨ç�€èˆžæ¥ï¼Œå�´å�ˆåƒ�是模仿ç�€å�„ç§�ä¸�ä¸€æ ·çš„æ€§çˆ±åŠ¨ä½œï¼Œé�žå¸¸å¤§èƒ†ã€‚ Dr.eye: Observe according to the reporter, should be affectionate to little lover's act, lacking man's red naked upper part of the body, the young girl wears coolly, two persons sit on the ground, ponder over dance step, but sexual love movements as imitating various kinds of in intimate movement picture, very bold.
在亲çƒçš„时候,两人ä¸�时大跳贴身çƒèˆžï¼Œä¸�æ—¶æ�‚抱拥å�»ï¼Œè®©äººçœ‹å¾—é�¢çº¢è€³èµ¤ã€‚情到浓时 Dr.eye: When being affectionate, two people greatly dance fanatic dance next to the skin frequently, hug and embrace and kiss frequently, let people see it flushedly. Dr.eye: When it is dense that the feeling gets ,该å��少女更躺下,让少男贴身亲å�»ã€‚少男更一度将少女的衣æœ�拉上胸å�£ï¼Œä»Žèƒ¸å�£ä¸€ç›´å¾€ä¸‹äº²å�»åˆ°è…¹éƒ¨ï¼Œä¸¾æ¢è®©äººå’‹èˆŒã€‚ Dr.eye: ,Kiss from chest to the belly down, bearing lets people left speechless.
ä¸�ä¹…å�Žï¼Œå°‘男少女对调ä½�置,少女的头直接ä¾�å�Žåœ¨å°‘男的胯下ä½�置,并且还大胆地用手拉起少男的çŸè£¤ã€‚之å�Žä¸�ä¹… Dr.eye: In the near future, young boys and girls will exchange jobs in the position, the young girl's head nestles the position under few man's hips directly, and draw few man's shorts with hands boldly. Dr.eye: Later soon ,少男的çŸè£¤å’Œå†…裤就被褪到大腿以下,两人继ç»ç¼ 绵,相信是在进行å�£äº¤ã€‚
足足亲çƒ2å°�æ—¶ 地上留用过纸巾 Dr.eye: Fully affectionate for 2 hours? Dr.eye: Retain the paper handkerchief for use on the ground
æ�®è®°è€…盘算,从居民通报,æ�å�‘两人勾当,一直到记者到现场观察,å°�情侣足足在å�œè½¦åœºç¼ 绵了近2å°�时。 Dr.eye: Calculate according to the reporter, notify from residents, expose two people business, until reporter is it observe live to get, fully in parking area getting touching close one hour little lover.
记者在现场观察了长达30分钟,该对å°�情侣并没有察觉有人注视,ä¾�然æ—�è‹¥æ— äººåœ°äº²çƒï¼Œè€Œå°‘男的手也ä¸�æ–在女å�‹èº«ä¸Šæ¸¸èµ°ã€‚ Dr.eye: The reporter has observed 30 minutes of reaching at the scene, should not perceive to the little lover someone watches attentively, still self-assured affectionate, lack man hand body the upper reaches walk in girl friend constantly too.
�记者观察�现,地�上除了有�情侣的包包和衣�之外,还有一些用过的纸巾。 Dr.eye: Observes and finds according to the reporter, besides there is wrapping up the bag and clothes of little lovering, there is paper handkerchief used for some on the ground.
�车场空旷 白天没车� Dr.eye: Is the parking area spacious? Dr.eye: There is no car to park in the daytime
æ�®è®°è€…观察å�‘现,该å�œè½¦åœºå…±æœ‰5层,顶层则是一个å°�花å›ï¼Œç™½å¤©çš„时候,车辆一般å�ªå�œæ”¾åœ¨4æ¥¼æˆ–ä»¥ä¸‹çš„æ¥¼å±‚ï¼Œå› æ¤æ‰�åˆ¶é€ å‡ºå°�情侣亲çƒçš„“ç§�人空间”。 Dr.eye: Observes and finds according to the reporter, this parking area is 5 storeys, the top floor is a young garden, in the daytime, the vehicle generally only parks on the 4th floor or the following floors, so just produce the little lover affectionate " private space " .
最令人惊讶的是,多层å�œè½¦åœºçš„æ—�边就是地é“�轨é�“,但由于å°�æƒ…ä¾£æ‰€å¤„çš„åœ°ç‚¹è¾ƒé«˜ï¼Œå› æ¤å�³ä½¿æ¯�å‡ åˆ†é’Ÿéƒ½æœ‰åœ°é“�ç»�过,但都没有打扰他们的“兴致”。 Dr.eye: The most astonishing one is, it is a track of the subway by the multi-layer parking area, but because little place that lover in relatively high, have subways undergo one minute while being every, but the one that has not bothered them " Interest " .
记者上�踢爆 Dr.eye: The reporter goes forward and reveals
少男:我未æˆ�å¹´·ä¸�能乱æ�¥ Dr.eye: Lack men: I am teenage can't act foolishly
记者上å‰�踢爆,少男镇定地回ç”说他们两人å�ªæ˜¯é—²è�Šï¼Œä¹‹å�Žæ›´è¡¨ç¤ºè‡ªå·±æœªæˆ�年,并ä¸�能够å�šä»€ä¹ˆã€‚ Dr.eye: The reporter goes forward and reveals, few men answer calmly they two just chat, later showed even more oneself was teenage, can not do anything.
â—�è®°è€…ï¼šä½ ä»¬æ˜¯åœ¨ç»ƒèˆžå�—?还是在å�šä»€ä¹ˆäº‹æƒ… Dr.eye: Reporter: Are you practising the dance? Dr.eye: Doing everything ?
�少男:�是。我们�是�天 Dr.eye: Lack men: No. Dr.eye: We just chat 。有时,这里也会有人练舞。 Dr.eye: ,Someone will practise the dance too here.
�记者:为什么选在这里呢? Dr.eye: Reporter: Why select it here?
�少男:这里比较安�。 Dr.eye: Lack men: Here is quieter.
â—�记者:å�¯æ˜¯é™„è¿‘å±…æ°‘çœ‹åˆ°ä½ ä»¬çš„åŠ¨ä½œå¾ˆæš§æ˜§ã€‚ Dr.eye: Reporter: But nearby residents see your movements are very ambiguous.
â—�少男:我未æˆ�年,什么都ä¸�å�¯ä»¥å�šå•Šï¼�我æ‰� Dr.eye: Lack men: I am teenage, nothing can be done! Dr.eye: I 15å²�,å�¯èƒ½æˆ‘çš„æ ·å�看起æ�¥æœ‰ç‚¹è€�。 Dr.eye: I am just 15 years old, perhaps my appearance seems a little old.
translate from yahoo:
"Young lover broad daylight, parking lot intimate tangled up, but also carries on the fellatio, causes the resident to mass-criticize. This “intimate Xiu” in the Woodlands St 73 686A place's multi-layered parking lot performance, nearby apartment's some residents witnesses, condemns lover's bold act in abundance. After reporter receives the notification, examined to the scene that discovered the multi-layered parking lot all around is the apartment area, although the place quite conceals, so long as but to 6 buildings and 7 buildings, to can see clearly the parking place occurs matter. According to reporter observes, should be intimate to the young lover action, the young man is naked the upper body, the young girl is putting on cool, two people sit, the intimate movement is likely is pondering over the dance step, actually looks like is imitating each kind of dissimilar sexual affection movement, is bold. In is intimate, two people often greatly jump paste the heat radiating from body dance, often embraces hugs and kisses, lets the human look is red in the face. When sentiment to thickness, this young girl lies down, lets the young man next to the skin kiss. The young man once drew in young girl's clothes the chest, has kissed downward from the chest to the abdomen, the manner lets the human be flabbergasted. After soon, the teenage boys and girls exchange the position, young girl's head walk arm in arm directly in young man's crotch position, and also boldly pulls up young man's short with the hand. Afterward soon, young man's short and the underpants are shed below the thigh, two people continue tangled up, the trust is carrying on the fellatio. Enough the intimate 2 hours ground have held for use the paper goods According to reporter calculates, notifies from the resident, exposes two person of deals, yizhi dao reporter to spot inspection, young lover enough in parking lot tangled up near 2 hours. Reporter is 30 minutes in the spot inspection, should to the young lover not realize that some people gazed, still uninhibitedly intimate, but young man's hand also unceasingly walked in the girlfriend body upstream. According to reporter observes the discovery, in the ground besides has the young lover's pocket and clothes, but also has some have used the paper goods. The parking lot spacious daytime does not have the vehicle to stop According to reporter observes the discovery, this parking lot altogether has 5, the top layer is a small garden, daytime's time, the vehicles only park generally in 4 buildings or the following floor, therefore only then makes the young lover intimate “the private”. What is most surprising, multi-layered parking lot's side is the subway track, but the place which, because the young lover locates is high, even if therefore every several minutes have the subway process, but has not disturbed them “the interest”. Reporter goes forward to kick explodes Young man: I underage · cannot act unreasonably Reporter goes forward to kick explodes, the young man replied calmly they are only chat, afterward expresses itself underage, cannot make anything. * reporter: You are practicing the dance? What matter is handling? * young man: . We are only chat. Sometimes, here also some people will practice the dance. * reporter: Why elects in here? * young man: Here is quite peaceful. * reporter: But the nearby resident saw your movement is very ambiguous. * young man: I am underage, anything may not do! I only then 15 years old, possibly my appearance look like a little old."
Originally posted by bus555:translate from yahoo:
"Young lover broad daylight, parking lot intimate tangled up, but also carries on the fellatio, causes the resident to mass-criticize. This “intimate Xiu” in the Woodlands St 73 686A place's multi-layered parking lot performance, nearby apartment's some residents witnesses, condemns lover's bold act in abundance. After reporter receives the notification, examined to the scene that discovered the multi-layered parking lot all around is the apartment area, although the place quite conceals, so long as but to 6 buildings and 7 buildings, to can see clearly the parking place occurs matter. According to reporter observes, should be intimate to the young lover action, the young man is naked the upper body, the young girl is putting on cool, two people sit, the intimate movement is likely is pondering over the dance step, actually looks like is imitating each kind of dissimilar sexual affection movement, is bold. In is intimate, two people often greatly jump paste the heat radiating from body dance, often embraces hugs and kisses, lets the human look is red in the face. When sentiment to thickness, this young girl lies down, lets the young man next to the skin kiss. The young man once drew in young girl's clothes the chest, has kissed downward from the chest to the abdomen, the manner lets the human be flabbergasted. After soon, the teenage boys and girls exchange the position, young girl's head walk arm in arm directly in young man's crotch position, and also boldly pulls up young man's short with the hand. Afterward soon, young man's short and the underpants are shed below the thigh, two people continue tangled up, the trust is carrying on the fellatio. Enough the intimate 2 hours ground have held for use the paper goods According to reporter calculates, notifies from the resident, exposes two person of deals, yizhi dao reporter to spot inspection, young lover enough in parking lot tangled up near 2 hours. Reporter is 30 minutes in the spot inspection, should to the young lover not realize that some people gazed, still uninhibitedly intimate, but young man's hand also unceasingly walked in the girlfriend body upstream. According to reporter observes the discovery, in the ground besides has the young lover's pocket and clothes, but also has some have used the paper goods. The parking lot spacious daytime does not have the vehicle to stop According to reporter observes the discovery, this parking lot altogether has 5, the top layer is a small garden, daytime's time, the vehicles only park generally in 4 buildings or the following floor, therefore only then makes the young lover intimate “the private”. What is most surprising, multi-layered parking lot's side is the subway track, but the place which, because the young lover locates is high, even if therefore every several minutes have the subway process, but has not disturbed them “the interest”. Reporter goes forward to kick explodes Young man: I underage · cannot act unreasonably Reporter goes forward to kick explodes, the young man replied calmly they are only chat, afterward expresses itself underage, cannot make anything. * reporter: You are practicing the dance? What matter is handling? * young man: . We are only chat. Sometimes, here also some people will practice the dance. * reporter: Why elects in here? * young man: Here is quite peaceful. * reporter: But the nearby resident saw your movement is very ambiguous. * young man: I am underage, anything may not do! I only then 15 years old, possibly my appearance look like a little old."
better den mine...
every time i read these software or machine translated stuff i laff then i pui.
Originally posted by FireIce:every time i read these software or machine translated stuff i laff then i pui.
lazy manual translate mahx...
btw mine is a taiwan software...
HOW GOOD CAN IT ME...dun expect at from it...
�交 = oral sex
tat fellow doesn't look like underage leh