Whenever you see sluts such as prostituties, mistress, social escorts, call girls etc, do you have this feeling that you wish to be GOD and punish them such as rape them, kill them etc?
And when you do punish them and see these sluts suffer or die a horrible death, do you feel very high or happy that you have done a good deed?
you and your questions again.. Don't you have any fresh ideas of question to ask, other than your usual boring "punish" , "rape" , "sluts" , "kill" sort of questions?
Seriously, we're all getting quite sick of your boring questions.
You must be damn ugly, that's why jealous that they are prettier and earn more money than you. Tsk tsk tsk...
OMG i think he Madpoh
Originally posted by Gracehp:Whenever you see sluts such as prostituties, mistress, social escorts, call girls etc, do you have this feeling that you wish to be GOD and punish them such as rape them, kill them etc?
And when you do punish them and see these sluts suffer or die a horrible death, do you feel very high or happy that you have done a good deed?
quoted to add to your list of psychosis and hate crimes...
for your own sake, please see a shrink and get a lobotomy, asap...
bian tai
Originally posted by Gracehp:Whenever you see sluts such as prostituties, mistress, social escorts, call girls etc, do you have this feeling that you wish to be GOD and punish them such as rape them, kill them etc?
And when you do punish them and see these sluts suffer or die a horrible death, do you feel very high or happy that you have done a good deed?
Kill yourself.
Madpoh, Go play Letters 4 You.
G-T-F-O. We are getting tired of all ur stupid Questions... Either come up with smth New, Or GTFO.
one day when u can't log in to post, i have done yet another good deed
Tsktsktsk, she posted alot of craps already.
Elephant bang cars, racist, kill your mother and father, etc etc.
i think this Gracehp is xunni, always post nonsensical stuff
Holiday Nosensical Post Bonanza...
most prob need a flink like need to flink the jet of cum in circles when ejeculate or something like dat.
Originally posted by FireIce:one day when u can't log in to post, i have done yet another good deed
can visualize that moment. its like ejeculatin. you loggin and got a message "you have been banned". and the moment like adrenalin pumpin in you veins like an urge to go toilet but the feeling is greater than that coz the viscosity of sperms is greater than urine and you can't hold back and have to let it ou backed by intense pressure build up in your testicles your blood ...wow. hhappy birthday singapore
Originally posted by the Bear:
quoted to add to your list of psychosis and hate crimes...for your own sake, please see a shrink and get a lobotomy, asap...
i believe a better order is lobotomy first then see a shrink and if the shrink can still detect any intelligence, then they should schedule another lobotomy
but i dont think the second lobotomy is needed as the brain do not show much intelligence in the first place