Hope more Full Ad trains... on C651 and C751B
Trains with specific ads (Total: 35)
C151, C651, C751B
001/002 - Raffles
009/010 - G-Shock
011/012 - Marigold
013/014 - NTUC Income
015/016 - Schroders
019/020 - NTUC Income
025/026 - NTUC Income
031/032 - NTUC Income
033/034 - Guardian
035/036 - Schroders
037/038 - Vichy Bi-White Reveal
041/042 - Nokia, Connecting People
043/044 - Vichy Bi-White Reveal
049/050 - Marigold
051/052 - Yeo's
053/054 - Vichy Bi-White Reveal
057/058 - Schroders
063/064 - Yeo's
065/066 - Marigold
075/076 - NTUC Income
081/082 - Canon Pixma
085/086 - Nokia, Connecting People
091/092 - Nokia, Connecting People
097/098 - Guardian
101/102 - Powerlogic/Sonicgear
103/104 - Alvin and The ChipMunks 2
105/106 - Nokia, Connecting People
113/114 - Vichy Bi-White Reveal
127/128 - G-Shock
129/130 - Yeo's
131/132 - Marigold
201/202 - Ribena, A perfect match
203/204 - Ribena, A perfect match
207/208 - Ribena, A perfect match
339/340 - Schroders
Full Train ad indicated in Red
Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Half Int. ad indicated in Purple
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Window ad indicated in Black
Trains with PCK stickers (Not possible to have window ads), Total: 52
001/002, 003/004, 007/008, 017/018, 021/022, 023/024, 039/040, 047/048, 055/056, 059/060, 067/068, 069/070, 071/072, 073/074, 077/078, 079/080, 083/084, 087/088, 089/090, 101/102, 107/108, 109/110, 115/116, 125/126, 209/210, 211/212, 215/216, 217/218, 219/220, 221/222, 223/224, 225/226, 227/228, 229/230, 231/232, 233/234, 235/236, 237/238, 311/312, 313/314, 317/318, 319/320, 321/322, 323/324, 325/326, 327/328, 331/332, 333/334, 335/336, 337/338, 347/348, 349/350
Random overhead ads on trains:
C151 & C651
Tudor Gold Chocolates
Beijing 101
EZ for me
CRISPY Chocolates
Community Chest
MapleSea MapleStory
Jackie Chan's "The Spy Next Door"
Lao Fo Ye
SPIL Games
Be safe from terrorism
C151s with random overhead ads, Total: 31/66
005/006, 009/010, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 029/030, 035/036, 049/050, 051/052, 057/058, 059/060, 061/062, 063/064, 065/066, 067/068, 069/070, 071/072, 073/074, 095/096, 099/100, 103/104, 109/110, 111/112, 121/122, 123/124, 127/128, 129/130, 131/132
C651s with random overhead ads, Total: 19/19
All C651s From 201/202 to 237/238
C751Bs with random overhead ads, Total: 20/21
All C751Bs except 321/322
Trains with specific ads (Total: 20)
001/002 - NTUC Income / Listerine
003/004 - City Square Mall
009/010 - OPENet
011/012 - Nicorette
017/018 - Block-Up
019/020 - Macau
021/022 - City Square Mall
023/024 - Harbourfront Centre
025/026 - Welcome to Taiwan
027/028 - Harbourfront Centre
029/030 - UOB Bank
031/032 - HTC Hero
033/034 - Experience Macau
035/036 - Nokia, Connecting People
037/038 - UOB Bank
039/040 - Singapore Design Festival
041/042 - Experience Macau
045/046 - City Square Mall
047/048 - FIFA
049/050 - Nokia, Connecting People
Full Int. ad indicated in Blue
Overhead ad indicated in Green
Window ad indicated in Black
Originally posted by BiminiRosy:Hope more Full Ad trains... on C651 and C751B
There isn't one since their operation
Originally posted by BiminiRosy:Hope more Full Ad trains... on C651 and C751B
C651 and C751B cannot have full body ad because of their body material.
only C151...
Bee train still running on EWL today.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:C651 and C751B cannot have full body ad because of their body material.
How about the future trains (C830, Bombardier dunno what, C151A etc)
Welcome 2010
(None Yeo's)
(SDC None)
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:How about the future trains (C830, Bombardier dunno what, C151A etc)
Depends on the body material.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:Depends on the body material.
Can somebody give more explanation on body material, I mean how come certain can while others cannot. So those cannot ones have lower quality trains??
(Suntec City, Christmas in the City Yeo's)
(Singapore Design Festival)
203/204 Ribena ad not removed , 031/032 on NSL.
Body material means the train's body being made of whether metal alloy or other materials.
Originally posted by leo2010agendas:Body material means the train's body being made of whether metal alloy or other materials.
Are you leonardtan0406?
(City Square Mall)
201/202, 203/204 and 207/208's Ribena ad have not been removed as of today.
C151, C651
(Singtel => removed)
(Schroders Removed)
No idea what happen to the Bee Train, I think its has the fate to be removed, not spotted since Sat.
Originally posted by smrt3099:341/342
(Schroders Removed)No idea what happen to the Bee Train, I think its has the fate to be removed, not spotted since Sat.
(Nets FlashPay Card None)
I was at DBG, headng twrds CTH. An adless train arrived heading SB (could not identify number from the ext). I boarded it. Upon entering, I saw the number "1120". After thinking "Hmm" for 5s, I suddenly realised that it was actually the former Bee train!
Well, the advert had survived for about 2 months.
Originally posted by jcqh:Indeed.
(Nets FlashPay Card None)I was at DBG, headng twrds CTH. An adless train arrived heading SB (could not identify number from the ext). I boarded it. Upon entering, I saw the number "1120". After thinking "Hmm" for 5s, I suddenly realised that it was actually the former Bee train!
Well, the advert had survived for about 2 months.
Schroders and Nets FlashPay are all Christmas ad?
Originally posted by jcqh:Indeed.
(Nets FlashPay Card None)I was at DBG, headng twrds CTH. An adless train arrived heading SB (could not identify number from the ext). I boarded it. Upon entering, I saw the number "1120". After thinking "Hmm" for 5s, I suddenly realised that it was actually the former Bee train!
Well, the advert had survived for about 2 months.
No wonder why these few days can't spot Bee train...
The bee Train was actually its last moments on EWL especially on New Year's Eve... When it was not spotted for the past 2 days, it shows that The bees were killed ):
Well I believe more ads to be removed soon
Hope not full ad remove...
Can anyone tell me has the Canon Pixma ad in 081/082 removed????
Originally posted by smrt3099:The bee Train was actually its last moments on EWL especially on New Year's Eve... When it was not spotted for the past 2 days, it shows that The bees were killed ):
Well I believe more ads to be removed soon
wow so fast remove. i am very lucky that i manange to spot the train. :)