senkang lrt also same, alot of light rail missing,jjust to name some<02,03,12,15
Originally posted by Yongjunzer:senkang lrt also same, alot of light rail missing,jjust to name some<02,03,12,15
That is on the 2 conditions
1: The "missing" train on Punggol LRT for service
2: Remember that Punggol West Loop is not in operation and Punggol North Line has not even built yet. The demand is simply not high enough to deploy all cars and most of it ended up in "freezer" to "keep its freshness". (It was designed that Sengkang Line has 18 cars and Punggol Line has 23 cars)
Maybe this should be locked and unsticky due to now is 2010??
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Maybe this should be locked and unsticky due to now is 2010??
So accurate... :D
Originally posted by BiminiRosy:So accurate... :D
TO must learn how to accurate.
Want lock this thread?
Originally posted by BiminiRosy:Want lock this thread?
It was mentioned that until Jan 1 12pm. So 11h 20 mins left.
Originally posted by BiminiRosy:Want lock this thread?
I'll unsticky it.
Just as what Samuel said, 11h+ more to locking
This shall be the NY EVE last spottings
NSL: 001/002, 003/004, 031/032, 039/040, 041/042, 047/048, 059/060, 067/068, 073/074, 077/078, 081/082, 083/084, 101/102, 109/110, 113/114, 121/122, 125/126, 127/128, 211/212, 311/312, 313/314, 371/318, 325/326, 327/328, 333/334, 335/336, 347/348
EWL: 007/008, 009/010, 011/012, 013/014, 021/022, 025/026, 029/030, 037/038, 043/044, 045/046, 049/050, 063/064, 069/070, 071/072(crossover), 087/088, 093/094, 097/098, 099/100, 103/104, 105/106, 205/206, 217/218, 227/228, 315/316, 321/322, 343/344, 349/350
Where Above delpoyments may be incomplete
Happy New Year everyone! It's 2010 now, time to lock this!