Trains with faulty motor sound
025/026 (Car 2025)
035/036 (Car 2035)
039/040 (Car 1039)
041/042 (Car 1041 , 2041)
045/046 (Car 2045)
047/048 (Car 1047)
053/054 (Car 2053, 2054 )
057/058 (Car 1058)
067/068 (Car 1067)
069/070 (Car 2070)
079/080 (Car 2080)
091/092 (Car 3092)
093/094 (Car 1093)
097/098 (Car 1098)
103/104 (Car 1104)
117/118 (Car x117)
119/120 (Car 1120)
221/222 (Car 1222)
339/340 (Car 3340 , 1340 , 2340)
Trains with flat wheel(s)
003/004 (Car 1003)
005/006 (Car 2006)
009/010 (Car 1009 , 2010)
013/014 (Car 1013)
015/016 (Car 2015)
017/018 (Car 1017 , 3017)
019/020 (Car 1019 , 2019)
021/022 (Car 1022)
023/024 (Car 3023 , 3024)
027/028 (Car 1027, 2027, 2028)
033/034 (Car 1034)
035/036 (Car 1036 , 2036)
037/038 (Car 3038)
045/046 (Car 2045)
047/048 (Car 1048 , 3048)
049/050 (Car 1049 , 3049 , 1050 , 2050)
051/052 (Car 1051 , 1052)
053/054 (Car 2053)
055/056 (Car 2056 , 1056 , 3056)
057/058 (Car 3058 , 1058, 2057)
061/062 (Car 1061, 1062 , 2062)
063/064 (Car 1064)
069/070 (Car 3069 , 1070)
071/072 (Car 1072 , 1071)
073/074 (Car 1074)
075/076 (Car 3075 & 2076)
077/078 (Car 3078 , 1078 & 2078)
079/080 (Car 2079 , 1079 , 1080)
085/086 (Car 3085)
089/090 (Car 2090)
091/092 (Car 1091 , 2091)
095/096 (Car 1095 , 2095)
099/100 (Car 2099 , 1100)
101/102 (Car 2101, 3101)
105/106 (Car 1106)
111/112 (Car 1111 , 2111)
113/114 (Car 1113)
115/116 (Car 1115 , 2115 , 3115 , 2116)
117/118 (Car 1117 , 1118)
119/120 (Car 1120)
121/122 (Car 1122 , 3122)
125/126 (Car 1126)
129/130 (Car 3130 , 2130, 1130)
201/202 (Car 2201 , 2202)
213/214 (Car 2214 , 1214 , 3214)
223/224 (Car 1224, 3224)
227/228 (Car 2227)
235/236 (Car 3235)
237/238 (Car 1237)
315/316 (Car 1315 , 2315)
317/318 (Car 3317)
319/320 (Car 2320 , 1320 , 3320)
321/322 (Car 1322)
329/330 (Car 3329 , 2330)
333/334 (Car 3333)
335/336 (Car 2336 , 2335)
337/338 (Car 2338 , 3337)
339/340 (Car 1339 , 2340)
341/342 (Car 1342 , 3341, 2341)
345/346 (Car 3346)
347/348 (Car 1347 , 2347)
349/350 (Car 2349 , 2350)
351/352 (Car 2351)
Trains with ATO problem (Braking)
Trains with STARIS error(s) (C151 only)
055/056 Flat wheels Still Present.
055/056 Car 2055 Door B4 Left Door. Loud Puffing Air Sound When doors open and close
113/114 STARIS still Error
113/114 Car 1113 Flat wheels Still Present
013/014 Car 1013 Flat wheels Present
Add on:
035/036: Car 2036 Flat Wheels Are Still Present
059/060 I took today morning frm YIS-TPY. No STARIS error spotted.
-10 Jun, 9am
Circle Line 832 got flat-wheels. i heard it, can anybody confirm.
Originally posted by youyuan:Circle Line 832 got flat-wheels. i heard it, can anybody confirm.
Carriage no. please...........................
Carriage 3046, Door B4. Noisy door.
2070 have weird motor sound.
Some section removed??
Because: 055/056 Speaker Problem
Add in: 1100 have flat wheels.
095/096, 125/126 having STARIS problem
No Faulty Aircon Section> Cos Today 1005 Like Sauna!
Add in: car 2095 have flat wheels
Originally posted by SBS9231S:No Faulty Aircon Section> Cos Today 1005 Like Sauna!
There is no faulty air-con section because some people might think is hot , while some think it's normal and where the location of the train is will affect too , tunnel or overground. The amount of passengers onboard the train affects too.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:There is no faulty air-con section because some people might think is hot , while some think it's normal and where the location of the train is will affect too , tunnel or overground. The amount of passengers onboard the train affects too.
Sometimes aircon problem must check the aircon switch box, which is located below the car no. box.. I think the fault light is on, thats why.
sorry but should have posted this on thurs
Add in: 2038 have flat wheels, car 2081 have weird motor sound, especially when it approaches the station.
Please Add 097/098 Into Faulty Motor Sound. [Car No, 1098]
When Accerlerate, Train Jerks To The Back
When at Decelerate No Engine Sound at All
Originally posted by SBS9231S:Please Add 097/098 Into Faulty Motor Sound. [Car No, 1098]
When Accerlerate, Train Jerks To The Back
When at Decelerate No Engine Sound at All
That is sure scary
Originally posted by Dragonaxe:That is sure scary
When Decelerate
it is like Only Hear Air-Puffing Sound. You take a ride on this train car tmr =P
I took it from Bedok =)
Originally posted by SBS9231S:When Decelerate
it is like Only Hear Air-Puffing Sound. You take a ride on this train car tmr =P
I took it from Bedok =)
Tmr i not taking trains lol... 3 July onwards i will XD. Abuse Distance fares LOL
Originally posted by Dragonaxe:Tmr i not taking trains lol... 3 July onwards i will XD. Abuse Distance fares LOL
LOL Dotz. Anyone Got a Ride on 097/098 Try Go 1098 See See
003/004 put under STARIS problem
1345, 2345 put under flat wheel.. LOUD
013/014 is no longer having STARIS problem
the person who updates this thread...can u confirm the list. i am going to contact smrt by midnight.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:There is no faulty air-con section because some people might think is hot , while some think it's normal and where the location of the train is will affect too , tunnel or overground. The amount of passengers onboard the train affects too.
This One Confirm Suana. Cos Above Ground HOT. Underground STILL HOT. Other Cars More cooling
I am planning to make a complain abt the problem in 063/064
STARIS, motion, wheel, etc.