Originally posted by TIB1224Y:
For local MRT context:Each train car has two bogies. Each bogie has two axle. Each axle has two wheels.
Total of wheels for one car: Eight.
Total of axles: Four.
Total of bogies: Two.
Exceptions are Jacobs bogie (not found here), which is found in between carriages, supporting two carriages through one bogie.
Each bogie can have one, two, three or more axles. This depends on the loading of the carriage (several designs of panaroma cars in the world has three axles to each bogie).
The type of bogie used on MRT here are bolsterless bogies. This term is less used in English, but basically these bogies do not have bolster bar and bolster anchor to attach them to the train body and are generally low in CG, designed for low speed, but bad in damping characteristics.
Jacobs bogie can be found on RapidKL Ampang Line trains.
I am going to submit to smrt about problems train soon. please update a final copy. before the end of the month. I hope we can include air-con problems. Thank you.
Originally posted by youyuan:Hi,
I am going to submit to smrt about problems train soon. please update a final copy. before the end of the month. I hope we can include air-con problems. Thank you.
Tell them to fix 083/084's flat wheels.
Trains with faulty motor sound
025/026 (Car 2025)
035/036 (Car 2035)
039/040 (Car 1039)
041/042 (Car 1041 , 2041)
045/046 (Car 2045)
047/048 (Car 2047/1047) == loudest
053/054 (Car 2053, 2054 )
057/058 (Car 1058)
067/068 (Car 1067)
069/070 (Car 2070)
079/080 (Car 2080)
093/094 (Car 2093/2094)
097/098 (Car 1098)
103/104 (Car 1104)
117/118 (Car x117)
119/120 (Car 1120, 2120)
221/222 (Car 1222)
339/340 (Car 3340 , 1340 , 2340)
Trains with flat wheel(s)
003/004 (Car 1003)
005/006 (Car 2006)
009/010 (Car 1009 , 2010)
013/014 (Car 1013)
015/016 (Car 2015)
017/018 (Car 1017 , 3017)
019/020 (Car 1019 , 2019)
021/022 (Car 1022)
023/024 (Car 3023 , 3024)
027/028 (Car 1027, 2027, 2028)
033/034 (Car 1034)
035/036 (Car 1036 , 2036)
037/038 (Car 3038, 2038)
041/042 (Car 1042, 2042)
045/046 (Car 2045)
047/048 (Car 2047, 1048 , 3048)
049/050 (Car 1049 , 3049 , 1050 , 2050)
051/052 (Car 1051 , 1052)
053/054 (Car 2053)
055/056 (Car 2056 , 1056 , 3056)
057/058 (Car 3058 , 1058, 2057)
061/062 (Car 1061, 1062 , 2061, 2062)
063/064 (Car 1064)
069/070 (Car 3069 , 1070)
071/072 (Car 1072 , 1071)
073/074 (Car 1074)
075/076 (Car 3075 , 2076)
077/078 (Car 3078 , 1078 & 2078)
083/084 (Car 2083)
085/086 (Car 1085, 3085)
087/088 (Car 3087)
089/090 (Car 2090)
091/092 (Car 1091 , 2091)
095/096 (Car 1095 , 2095)
099/100 (Car 2099 , 1100)
101/102 (Car 2101, 3101)
105/106 (Car 1106 , 2105 , 2106)
111/112 (Car 1111 , 2111, 2112)
113/114 (Car 1113)
115/116 (Car 1115 , 2115 , 3115 , 2116)
117/118 (Car 1117 , 1118)
119/120 (Car 1120)
121/122 (Car 1122 , 3122)
125/126 (Car 1126)
129/130 (Car 3130 , 2130, 1130)
201/202 (Car 2201 , 2202)
211/212 (Car 3212)
213/214 (Car 2214 , 1214 , 3214)
223/224 (Car 1224, 3224)
227/228 (Car 2227)
235/236 (Car 3235)
237/238 (Car 1237)
311/312 (Car 2312)
313/314 (Car 2313)
315/316 (Car 1315 , 2315)
317/318 (Car 2317, 3317)
319/320 (Car 2320 , 1320 , 3320)
321/322 (Car 1322)
329/330 (Car 3329 , 2330)
333/334 (Car 3333)
335/336 (Car 2336 , 2335)
337/338 (Car 2338 , 3337 , 2337)
339/340 (Car 1339 , 2340)
341/342 (Car 1342 , 3342 , 2342 , 3341, 2341 , 1341)
345/346 (Car 1345 , 2345 , 3346)
347/348 (Car 1347 , 2347)
349/350 (Car 2349 , 2350)
351/352 (Car 2351)
20 (Car ????)
27 (Car 8273)
31 (Car 8311)
Trains with ATO problem (Braking)
Violent Doors (Opening)
023/024 [3023] Door A1
075/076 [3076] Door B1
Violent Doors (Closing)
015/016 [2016] Door B4
017/018 [1017] Door A1
075/076 [3076] Door B1
097/098 [3098] Door B1
329/330 [3330] Door A1
Sticky Doors (Opening)
Yet to be reported
Sticky Doors (Closing)
015/016 [1015] Door A3
*043/044 [1044] Door A3
*049/050 [2049] Door
*To be confirmed
Aircon problem 201/202, 209/210, 215/226, 235/236, 325/326, 313/314, 315/316
1044 Door A3 , slow closing doors. (To be confirmed)
slow closing doors 2049 (door number have to find out)
2112 air-con
015/016 (2016) Door B4
1041 B2 door closes very slow while the rest of the doors have shut
Door 227/228 amost the entire train close very slow
For 097/098, almost every door on the train are violent.
Originally posted by SBS8730A:Door 227/228 amost the entire train close very slow
c6 is guess all are slow as if the train doors got glued. Nids some more lubricating.
Originally posted by SBS8730A:Door 227/228 amost the entire train close very slow
c6 is guess all are slow as if the train doors got glued. Nids some more lubricating.
Car 1015 door A3 close very slow.
Originally posted by Kawac151:Car 1015 door A3 close very slow.
Car 2016 B4 violent door when closing! you just took uh? i also just took! Video on the way
Originally posted by Khairiano:
Car 2016 B4 violent door when closing! you just took uh? i also just took! Video on the way
Originally posted by Kawac151:Yup.
Violent door shutting in 1017 door A1
going to submit to smrt in 2 days time...lets compile it as soon as possible. thanks.
Originally posted by SBS8945Y:Trains with faulty motor sound
025/026 (Car 2025)
035/036 (Car 2035)
039/040 (Car 1039)
041/042 (Car 1041 , 2041)
045/046 (Car 2045)
047/048 (Car 2047/1047) == loudest
053/054 (Car 2053, 2054 )
057/058 (Car 1058)
067/068 (Car 1067)
069/070 (Car 2070)
079/080 (Car 2080)
093/094 (Car 2093/2094)
097/098 (Car 1098)
103/104 (Car 1104)
117/118 (Car x117)
119/120 (Car 1120, 2120)
221/222 (Car 1222)
339/340 (Car 3340 , 1340 , 2340)Trains with flat wheel(s)
003/004 (Car 1003)
005/006 (Car 2006)
009/010 (Car 1009 , 2010)
013/014 (Car 1013)
015/016 (Car 2015)
017/018 (Car 1017 , 3017)
019/020 (Car 1019 , 2019)
021/022 (Car 1022)
023/024 (Car 3023 , 3024)
027/028 (Car 1027, 2027, 2028)
033/034 (Car 1034)
035/036 (Car 1036 , 2036)
037/038 (Car 3038, 2038)
041/042 (Car 1042, 2042)
045/046 (Car 2045)
047/048 (Car 2047, 1048 , 3048)
049/050 (Car 1049 , 3049 , 1050 , 2050)
051/052 (Car 1051 , 1052)
053/054 (Car 2053)
055/056 (Car 2056 , 1056 , 3056)
057/058 (Car 3058 , 1058, 2057)
061/062 (Car 1061, 1062 , 2061, 2062)
063/064 (Car 1064)
069/070 (Car 3069 , 1070)
071/072 (Car 1072 , 1071)
073/074 (Car 1074)
075/076 (Car 3075 , 2076)
077/078 (Car 3078 , 1078 & 2078)
083/084 (Car 2083)
085/086 (Car 1085, 3085)
087/088 (Car 3087)
089/090 (Car 2090)
091/092 (Car 1091 , 2091)
095/096 (Car 1095 , 2095)
099/100 (Car 2099 , 1100)
101/102 (Car 2101, 3101)
105/106 (Car 1106 , 2105 , 2106)
111/112 (Car 1111 , 2111, 2112)
113/114 (Car 1113)
115/116 (Car 1115 , 2115 , 3115 , 2116)
117/118 (Car 1117 , 1118)
119/120 (Car 1120)
121/122 (Car 1122 , 3122)
125/126 (Car 1126)
129/130 (Car 3130 , 2130, 1130)C651
201/202 (Car 2201 , 2202)
211/212 (Car 3212)
213/214 (Car 2214 , 1214 , 3214)
223/224 (Car 1224, 3224)
227/228 (Car 2227)
235/236 (Car 3235)
237/238 (Car 1237)C751B
311/312 (Car 2312)
313/314 (Car 2313)
315/316 (Car 1315 , 2315)
317/318 (Car 2317, 3317)
319/320 (Car 2320 , 1320 , 3320)
321/322 (Car 1322)
329/330 (Car 3329 , 2330)
333/334 (Car 3333)
335/336 (Car 2336 , 2335)
337/338 (Car 2338 , 3337 , 2337)
339/340 (Car 1339 , 2340)
341/342 (Car 1342 , 3342 , 2342 , 3341, 2341 , 1341)
345/346 (Car 1345 , 2345 , 3346)
347/348 (Car 1347 , 2347)
349/350 (Car 2349 , 2350)
351/352 (Car 2351)C830
20 (Car ????)
27 (Car 8273)
31 (Car 8311)Trains with ATO problem (Braking)
Violent Doors (Opening)
023/024 [3023] Door A1
075/076 [3076] Door B1
Violent Doors (Closing)
015/016 [2016] Door B4
017/018 [1017] Door A1
075/076 [3076] Door B1
097/098 [3098] Door B1
329/330 [3330] Door A1
Sticky Doors (Opening)
Yet to be reported
Sticky Doors (Closing)
015/016 [1015] Door A3
*043/044 [1044] Door A3
*049/050 [2049] Door
*To be confirmed
Why got violent doors and sticky doors section?
1324 and 2324 happened to have violent doors closing
oh yes ride on 055/056 a/c very faulty, very hot
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:Why got violent doors and sticky doors section?
its problematic! Violent, later "kiap" people how?
Sticky doors, delay timing, easy to jam
Car 2110 has flat wheels.
099/100 came out from BSD today, aircon still fails