EWL (40 Trains - 28 C151, 4 C651, 8 C751B)
001/002, 003/004, 005/006, 007/008, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 021/022, 023/024, 025/026, 029/030, 035/036, 041/042, 043/044, 053/054, 055/056, 061/062, 075/076, 077/078, 081/082, 083/084, 089/090, 103/104, 119/120, 121/122, 123/124, 125/126, 127/128, 205/206, 221/222, 223/224, 231/232, 313/314, 315/316, 317/318, 319/320, 325/326, 329/330, 345/346, 349/350
CGL (2 Trains - 1 C651, 1 C751B)
235/236, 331/332
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:12/04/10
EWL (40 Trains - 28 C151, 4 C651, 8 C751B)
001/002, 003/004, 005/006, 007/008, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 021/022, 023/024, 025/026, 029/030, 035/036, 041/042, 043/044, 053/054, 055/056, 061/062, 075/076, 077/078, 081/082, 083/084, 089/090, 103/104, 119/120, 121/122, 123/124, 125/126, 127/128, 205/206, 221/222, 223/224, 231/232, 313/314, 315/316, 317/318, 319/320, 325/326, 329/330, 345/346, 349/350CGL (2 Trains - 1 C651, 1 C751B)
235/236, 331/332
Add ons:
EWL (+6) - 5 C151, 1 C651
009/010, 039/040, 057/058, 107/108, 111/112, 213/214
NSL (6) - 4 C151, 1 C651, 1 C751B
015/016, 019/020, 031/032, 081/082, 201/202, 347/348
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
TRN 101 - 075/076
TRN 102 - 077/078
TRN 018 - 107/108
TRN 092 - 201/202
TRN 094 - 081/082
does trn 101,102,018,092 and 094 all belong to cgd?
Originally posted by Yongjunzer:does trn 101,102,018,092 and 094 all belong to cgd?
TRN 101 and 102 are morning X-over trains from NSL to EWL.
TRN 018 belongs to EWL.
TRN 092 and 094 are YWT shuttle trains.
Originally posted by jcqh:Add ons:
EWL (+6) - 5 C151, 1 C651
009/010, 039/040, 057/058, 107/108, 111/112, 213/214NSL (6) - 4 C151, 1 C651, 1 C751B
015/016, 019/020, 031/032, 081/082, 201/202, 347/348Legend
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARISTRN 101 - 075/076
TRN 102 - 077/078TRN 018 - 107/108
TRN 092 - 201/202
TRN 094 - 081/082
NSL add-ons: 091/092, 121/122
This is imcomplete:
5 C151s
005/006, 037/038, 041/042,049/050, 121/122,
Note: The one in bold became a DNB trn. The other one in bold brown became Terminates at TNM
EWL (Total: 20 Trains - 13 C151, 5 C651, 8 C751B)
001/002, 005/006, 007/008, 035/036, 039/040, 043/044, 053/054, 055/056, 063/064, 083/084, 117/118, 123/124, 129/130, 211/212, 215/216, 219/220, 223/224, 225/226, 313/314, 315/316, 323/324, 325/326, 329/330, 335/336, 345/346, 349/350
CGL (Total: 2 Trains - 2 C751B)
311/312, 331/332
015 - 063/064
016 - 223/224
017 - 055/056
018 - 345/346
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:13/04/10
EWL (Total: 20 Trains - 13 C151, 5 C651, 8 C751B)
001/002, 005/006, 007/008, 035/036, 039/040, 043/044, 053/054, 055/056, 063/064, 083/084, 117/118, 123/124, 129/130, 211/212, 215/216, 219/220, 223/224, 225/226, 313/314, 315/316, 323/324, 325/326, 329/330, 335/336, 345/346, 349/350CGL (Total: 2 Trains - 2 C751B)
311/312, 331/332015 - 063/064
016 - 223/224
017 - 055/056
018 - 345/346
Add ons:
EWL (+13) - 7 C151, 3 C651, 3 C751B
023/024, 049/050, 051/052, 075/076, 105/106, 119/120, 127/128, 201/202, 205/206, 235/236, 317/318, 327/328, 335/336
NSL (3) - 3 C151
047/048, 099/100, 121/122
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
TRN 093 - 099/100
At about 1.50pm , I really spotted 119/120 on NSL(My lucky Train)
017/018, 081/082, 343/344
so does that mean that both 041/042 and 121/122 terminates at cgd?
041/042 is perm to CHD
121/122 may be parked at UPD
CGL: 227/228, 313/314
EWL:017/018, 043/044 (test train), 321/322
NSL: 047/048, 057/058, 081/082, 095/096, 097/098, 119/120, 125/126
Both lines: 039/040, 121/122
Today spotted serveral C651s!!
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:Today spotted serveral C651s!!
On what line?
Originally posted by Kawasaki C751B:
On what line?
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:Both.
Nice... 2 of theC651s on NSL are 203/204 and 237/238.
Quite a number of C651s on EWL:
Train spotting - 14/04/10
EWL (21) - 13 C151, 6 C651, 2 C751B
003/004, 005/006, 009/010, 025/026, 041/042, 043/044, 051/052, 073/074, 095/096, 109/110, 115/116, 121/122, 129/130, 201/202, 205/206, 217/218, 219/220, 223/224, 235/236, 331/332, 335/336
NSL (4) - 4 C151
001/002, 045/046, 059/060, 119/120
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
EDIT: 2,800th post!
Originally posted by Kawasaki C751B:
Nice... 2 of theC651s on NSL are 203/204 and 237/238.
EWL's C651 more than NSL today.
003/004, 011/012, 015/016, 057/058, 059/060, 071/072, 079/080, 103/104, 109/110, 113/114, 211/212, 227/228, 323/324, 325/326, 333/334, 345/346, 347/348
Purple: Cameos
Train spotting - 15/04/10
EWL (Total: 26 Trains - 16 C151, 3 C651, 7 C751B)
007/008, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 039/040, 043/044, 049/050, 051/052, 053/054, 063/064, 065/066, 069/070, 073/074, 117/118, 129/130, 131/132, 217/218, 223/224, 229/230, 317/318, 321/322, 323/324, 327/328, 331/332, 335/336, 347/348
Test Train (EWL): 053/054
CGL (Total: 2 Trains - 1 C151, 1 C751B)
013/014, 343/344
Blue - Trains with window ad
Red - Trains with full ext ad
This list is non-exhaustive. Feel free to add on.
I think 013/014 has replaced 215/216 on CGL
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:Train spotting - 15/04/10
EWL (Total: 26 Trains - 16 C151, 3 C651, 7 C751B)
007/008, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 039/040, 043/044, 049/050, 051/052, 053/054, 063/064, 065/066, 069/070, 073/074, 117/118, 129/130, 131/132, 217/218, 223/224, 229/230, 317/318, 321/322, 323/324, 327/328, 331/332, 335/336, 347/348Test Train (EWL): 053/054
CGL (Total: 2 Trains - 1 C151, 1 C751B)
013/014, 343/344Legend:
Blue - Trains with window ad
Red - Trains with full ext adThis list is non-exhaustive. Feel free to add on.
Add ons:
EWL (+5) - 5 C151
035/036, 041/042, 047/048, 057/058, 115/116
Short EWL Spotting - 16/04/10
005/006, 051/052 (Updated PYL Announcement), 057/058, 203/204, 347/348
(I didn't take notice of the ad though)
note:059/060 is a yishun shuttle.
NEL: 3 C751As spotted
EWL (22 Trains - 18 C151, 1 C651, 3 C751B)
003/004, 007/008, 009/010, 021/022, 023/024, 025/026, 039/040, 041/042, 043/044, 051/052, 063/064, 065/066, 067/068, 105/106, 111/112, 115/116, 119/120, 127/128, 203/204, 311/312, 315/316, 327/328
EWL DNB to CHD (4 Trains - 3 C151, 1 C751B)
065/066, 067/068, 119/120, 315/316
CGL (3 Trains - 2 C651, 1 C751B)
215/216, 217/218, 315/316