EWL: 4 C151s spotted
015/016 (028), 021/022, 037/038, 043/044 (002)
NEL: 7 C751As spotted
701/702, 709/710 (319), 717/718, 719/720 (307), 725/726, 743/744, 747/748 (315)
CCL: 6 C830s spotted
810, 813, 816, 823, 824, 829
EWL (27 Trains - 22 C151, 1 C651, 4 C751B)
007/008 ,009/010, 013/014, 015/016, 021/022, 027/028, 031/032, 037/038, 039/040, 041/042, 043/044, 051/052, 053/054, 055/056, 065/066, 071/072, 079/080, 081/082, 099/100, 109/110, 117/118, 121/122, 213/214, 311/312, 317/318, 323/324, 325/326
NSL (12 Trains - 9 C151, 1 C651, 2 C751B)
011/012, 019/020, 035/036, 045/046, 047/048, 107/108, 111/112, 113/114, 127/128, 229/230, 321/322, 351/352
CGL (2 Trains - 1 C651, 1 C751B)
235/236, 329/330
Blue: Uncommon
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:28/04/10
EWL (27 Trains - 22 C151, 1 C651, 4 C751B)
007/008 ,009/010, 013/014, 015/016, 021/022, 027/028, 031/032, 037/038, 039/040, 041/042, 043/044, 051/052, 053/054, 055/056, 065/066, 071/072, 079/080, 081/082, 099/100, 109/110, 117/118, 121/122, 213/214, 311/312, 317/318, 323/324, 325/326NSL (12 Trains - 9 C151, 1 C651, 2 C751B)
011/012, 019/020, 035/036, 045/046, 047/048, 107/108, 111/112, 113/114, 127/128, 229/230, 321/322, 351/352CGL (2 Trains - 1 C651, 1 C751B)
235/236, 329/330Legend:
Blue: Uncommon
Finally, my train model on CGL :)
CGL spottings (2 trains-1C151, 1C651)
013/014, 235/236
29 Apr 2010
NEL: 3 C751As spotted
703/704, 729/730 (323), 749/750 (305)
CCL: 5 C830s spotted
803 (004), 806, 810, 816, 824
NSL (12 Trains - 9 C151, 1 C651, 2 C751B)
019/020, 023/024, 033/034, 057/058, 073/074, 077/078, 085/086, 093/094, 117/118, 203/204, 327/328, 333/334
CGL (2 Trains - 1 C151, 1 C651)
013/014, 235/236
Red: 'Cameos'
Originally posted by LTnF1fan:29 Apr 2010
NEL: 3 C751As spotted
703/704, 729/730 (323), 749/750 (305)CCL: 5 C830s spotted
803 (004), 806, 810, 816, 824
CCL (add on - 4 C830)
807, 811, 817, 818
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:29/04/10
NSL (12 Trains - 9 C151, 1 C651, 2 C751B)
019/020, 023/024, 033/034, 057/058, 073/074, 077/078, 085/086, 093/094, 117/118, 203/204, 327/328, 333/334CGL (2 Trains - 1 C151, 1 C651)
013/014, 235/236Legend
Red: 'Cameos'
EWL (8) - 5 C151, 3 C751B
007/008, 039/040, 043/044, 125/126, 129/130, 325/326, 331/332, 351/352
NSL (12) - 9 C151, 2 C651, 1 C751B
047/048, 083/084, 091/092, 097/098, 099/100, 101/102, 109/110, 115/116, 121/122, 215/216, 237/238, 325/326
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
YWT shuttle:
TRN 092 - 099/100
TRN 093 - 115/116
TRN 094 - 121/122
Fresh trains from BSD:
019/020, 023/024, 073/074, 077/078, 083/084, 093/094, 109/110, 117/118, 333/334
Originally posted by jcqh:EWL (8) - 5 C151, 3 C751B
007/008, 039/040, 043/044, 125/126, 129/130, 325/326, 331/332, 351/352NSL (12) - 9 C151, 2 C651, 1 C751B
047/048, 083/084, 091/092, 097/098, 099/100, 101/102, 109/110, 115/116, 121/122, 215/216, 237/238, 325/326Legend
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARISYWT shuttle:
TRN 092 - 099/100
TRN 093 - 115/116
TRN 094 - 121/122Fresh trains from BSD:
019/020, 023/024, 073/074, 077/078, 083/084, 093/094, 109/110, 117/118, 333/334
EWL (+1) - 1 C151
Anyone spotted Sony BRAVIA ad?
Originally posted by c751bLoVuR:Anyone spotted Sony BRAVIA ad?
yup. i spotted both in the evening in ewl. one coming out from changi depot towards joo koon the other after school walking on the streets.
TRN 202: 031/032
TRN 203: 035/036
TRN 204: 221/222
TRN 205: 325/326
TRN 206: 215/216
TRN 101: 011/012
TRN 106: 069/070
East West Line (PYL - CLE)
Trains that I have boarded:
235 / 236 (PYL - LAV)
129 / 130 (LAV - CLE)
Trains spotted in the other direction of what I boarded trains
075 / 076 (PYL)
107 / 108 (ALJ)
127 / 128 (Approaching KAL)
a C651 (Leave KAL)
053 / 054 (LAV)
341 / 342 (LAV -- 2nd train during my stay in LAV for photo taking purpose)
C151 train towards Yishun (CTH)
C751B (RFP)
103 / 104 (TGP)
C751B (2 such trains in OTP & TIB respectively)
031 / 032 (RED)
C151 (RED - QUE) --- TRN 12
C151 (QUE - COM)
323 / 324 (COM)
343 / 344 (Approaching BNV)
C151 (Approaching DVR) -- TRN 34
051 / 052 (DVR) -- TRN 18
C151 (DVR - CLE)
011 / 012 (CLE) -- TRN 24
025 / 026 (2nd train CLE while I slowly walked towards the concourse level)
007 / 008 (Outside CLE, @ approx. 8:50am with Bravia ad)
Next train after what I board
131 / 132 (LAV, did not board this JKN bound train)
C651 train approaching CLE WB (When I was 1 bus stop away from CLE, heading EB direction)
C151 with KFC window ad (Clementi Road junction, same direction as the above C651 train)
Both Sonys 003/004 and 007/008 on EWL today.
Note: I'm using my school's computer.
007/008 in CHD and 003/004 on EWL
204/202, 221/222
205-206 225-226 315-316 327-328 343-344
LTExpress (EWL)
Originally posted by youyuan:EWL
205-206 225-226 315-316 327-328 343-344
LTExpress (EWL)
So good, kawasaki C151 MIA...
Spotting on 30 April 2010 (evening peak)
029-030 047-048 099-100 331-332(CHD evening peak at 05.05pm Joo Koon bound) 339-340
Set 815 823 830 831 832(Paya Lebar Bound)
EWL (10 Trains - 6 C151, 2 C651, 2 C751B)
011/012, 021/022, 029/030, 053/054, 063/064, 109/110, 205/206, 225/226, 327/328, 339/340
CGL (2 Trains - 2 C651)
201/202, 221/222
Yeah! My 300th post.
1X C751B + 1X C151 on CLE Road junction (Between CLE and DVR) in EB direction. WB direction has 2X C651 consecutively.
Another C151 on a bus stop before CLE (WB)
I boarded in EWL
011 / 012 (CLE - CTH)
Trains in the other direction spotted
129 / 130 (Before boarding 011 / 012 in CLE)
C751B (Leaving CLE)
C151 (Approaching DVR)
C651 (Approaching BNV)
095 / 096 (Leaving BNV) -- TRN 19
C151 (Leaving COM)
053 / 054 (QUE) -- TRN 37
C151 (Approaching RED)
007 / 008 Bravia ad (Leaving RED)
C151 (TIB)
C651 (Yishun bound in RFP)
---------- Alighted in CTH and transfered to 333 / 334 (CTH - MRB, MRB - RFP ---> A Yishun peak hour train)
I boarded in NSL 333 / 334
C651 (RFP WB)
215 / 216 (Departing train) followed by C151 train in Marina Bay (Before 333 / 334 leave MRB)
------- Alighted in RFP and transfered to 031 / 032 (RFP - BGS)
C651 (CTH, SB)
225 / 226 (BGS)
------ End of spotting
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:1X C751B + 1X C151 on CLE Road junction (Between CLE and DVR) in EB direction. WB direction has 2X C651 consecutively.
Another C151 on a bus stop before CLE (WB)
I boarded in EWL
011 / 012 (CLE - CTH)
Trains in the other direction spotted
129 / 130 (Before boarding 011 / 012 in CLE)
C751B (Leaving CLE)
C151 (Approaching DVR)
C651 (Approaching BNV)
095 / 096 (Leaving BNV) -- TRN 19
C151 (Leaving COM)
053 / 054 (QUE) -- TRN 37
C151 (Approaching RED)
007 / 008 Bravia ad (Leaving RED)
C151 (TIB)
C651 (Yishun bound in RFP)
---------- Alighted in CTH and transfered to 333 / 334 (CTH - MRB, MRB - RFP ---> A Yishun peak hour train)
I boarded in NSL 333 / 334
C651 (RFP WB)
215 / 216 (Departing train) followed by C151 train in Marina Bay (Before 333 / 334 leave MRB)
------- Alighted in RFP and transfered to 031 / 032 (RFP - BGS)
C651 (CTH, SB)
225 / 226 (BGS)
------ End of spotting
Just a comment: so specific.. whoa...
Originally posted by smrt3099:007/008 in CHD and 003/004 on EWL
204/202, 221/222
is 201/202, not 204/202. :)
1/5/10 spottings
007/008, 009/010, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 021/022, 023/024, 025/026, 029/030, 041/042, 049/050, 051/052, 053/054, 059/060, 063/064, 067/068, 069/070, 075/076, 081/082, 099/100, 113/114, 117/118, 127/128, 129/130, 225/226, 235/236, 327/328, 331/332
001/002, 003/004, 005/006, 015/016, 019/020, 027/028, 033/034, 037/038, 039/040, 055/056, 061/062, 065/066, 077/078, 079/080, 083/084, 085/086, 091/092, 093/094, 095/096, 123/124, 205/206, 313/314, 319/320
Green => Test train
Purple => Direct swop of trains (331/332 swop with 327/328)
Brown => Full Body Ad
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:1/5/10 spottings
007/008, 009/010, 011/012, 013/014, 015/016, 021/022, 023/024, 025/026, 029/030, 041/042, 049/050, 051/052, 053/054, 059/060, 063/064, 067/068, 069/070, 075/076, 081/082, 099/100, 113/114, 117/118, 127/128, 129/130, 225/226, 235/236, 327/328, 331/332NSL
001/002, 003/004, 005/006, 015/016, 019/020, 027/028, 033/034, 037/038, 039/040, 055/056, 061/062, 065/066, 077/078, 079/080, 083/084, 085/086, 091/092, 093/094, 095/096, 123/124, 205/206, 313/314, 319/320Green => Test train
Purple => Direct swop of trains (331/332 swop with 327/328)
Brown => Full Body Ad
019/020 was replaced by 097/098 at amk or jurong east(to be comfirmed)