Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Ok, at least spotted a faulty train for that (No sounds at all)
Train spotting - 05/05/10
EWL (24) - 14 C151, 10 C751B
001/002, 005/006*, 009/010, 021/022, 027/028, 031/032, 035/036, 037/038, 039/040, 043/044*, 081/082, 085/086, 101/102, 109/110, 311/312, 313/314, 321/322, 323/324, 325/326, 327/328, 329/330, 331/332, 333/334, 335/336
NSL (10) - 6 C151, 3 C651, 1 C751B
019/020, 043/044*, 073/074, 079/080, 113/114, 121/122, 207/208, 211/212, 237/238, 341/342
CGL (2) - 1 C151, 1 C651
005/006*, 229/230
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
* 005/006 was on EWL in the morning, but went to CGL in the afternoon.
* 043/044 was on EWL in the morning, but went to NSL in the evening.
C751B sets 311 to 314 and 321 to 336 were spamming the EWL today.
Originally posted by jcqh:Train spotting - 05/05/10
EWL (24) - 14 C151, 10 C751B
001/002, 005/006*, 009/010, 021/022, 027/028, 031/032, 035/036, 037/038, 039/040, 043/044*, 081/082, 085/086, 101/102, 109/110, 311/312, 313/314, 321/322, 323/324, 325/326, 327/328, 329/330, 331/332, 333/334, 335/336NSL (10) - 6 C151, 3 C651, 1 C751B
019/020, 043/044*, 073/074, 079/080, 113/114, 121/122, 207/208, 211/212, 237/238, 341/342CGL (2) - 1 C151, 1 C651
005/006*, 229/230Legend
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS* 005/006 was on EWL in the morning, but went to CGL in the afternoon.
* 043/044 was on EWL in the morning, but went to NSL in the evening.
huh? 081/082 this morning on NSL then returned to UPD. Now on EWL??
023/024, 033/034, 045/046, 053/054, 059/060, 065/066, 089/090, 093/094, 095/096, 097/098, 101/102, 109/110, 111/112, 113/114, 123/124, 125/126, 207/208, 215/216, 341/342, 347/348
005/006, 007/008, 011/012, 015/016, 017/018, 019/020, 021/022, 025/026, 027/028, 037/038, 047/048, 061/062, 069/070
Evening peak on 06 May 2010 (Thursday)
001-002(STARIS OFF V1.1c), 015-016, 017-018, 021-022, 025-026, 031-032, 041-042, 047-048, 061-062, 063-064, 069-070, 071-072, 085-086, 093-094, 215-216, 221-222, 319-320, 321-322, 327-328, 351-352
821, 822, 826, 827, 834
Trains spotting - 06/05/10
EWL (29 Trains - 17 C151, 4 C651, 8 C751B)
001/002, 007/008, 013/014, 015/016, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 027/028, 029/030, 041/042, 057/058, 059/060, 061/062, 069/070, 085/086, 093/094, 131/132, 201/202, 213/214, 221/222, 235/236, 311/312, 313/314, 317/318, 327/328, 329/330, 331/332, 335/336, 349/350
CGL (2 Trains - 2 C651)
227/228, 229/230
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:Trains spotting - 06/05/10
EWL (29 Trains - 17 C151, 4 C651, 8 C751B)
001/002, 007/008, 013/014, 015/016, 017/018, 019/020, 025/026, 027/028, 029/030, 041/042, 057/058, 059/060, 061/062, 069/070, 085/086, 093/094, 131/132, 201/202, 213/214, 221/222, 235/236, 311/312, 313/314, 317/318, 327/328, 329/330, 331/332, 335/336, 349/350CGL (2 Trains - 2 C651)
227/228, 229/230
Add ons:
EWL (+12) - 6 C151, 4 C651, 2 C751B
005/006, 021/022, 055/056, 063/064, 103/104, 115/116, 203/204, 207/208, 215/216, 223/224, 319/320, 321/322
NSL (7) - 3 C151, 1 C651, 3 C751B
033/034, 045/046, 097/098, 211/212, 313/314, 337/338, 345/346
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
092 - 345/346
093 - 337/338
094 - 313/314
First time to see 345/346!!
NEL3 C751As spotted
715/716 (321), 745/746 (317), 731/732
CCL 6 C830S spotted
810 (003), 815, 817, 821, 826, 829
Originally posted by LTnF1fan:NEL3 C751As spotted
715/716 (321), 745/746 (317), 731/732CCL 6 C830S spotted
810 (003), 815, 817, 821, 826, 829
CCL (+1) - 1 C830
Saw a bravia ad train heading towards CHD. I think it's 007/008.
Spotting on 07 May 2010 (Friday)
(add-on by a few forumers)
001-002, 025-026, 063-064
*alot of trains numbers were in a mess after the incident at bedok.
003/004 on NSL
CGL ( 2 trains, C651s as usual)
227/228, 229/230
Train spotting - 07/05/10
EWL (29 Trains - 17 C151, 6 C651, 6 C751B)
001/002, 005/006, 011/012, 017/018, 023/024, 025/026, 031/032, 033/034, 047/048, 053/054, 059/060, 067/068, 069/070, 081/082, 089/090, 103/104, 117/118, 203/204, 205/206, 213/214, 215/216, 235/236, 237/238, 311/312, 321/322, 323/324, 329/330, 333/334, 349/350
NSL (13 Trains - 7 C151, 1 C651, 5 C751B)
003/004, 015/016, 045/046, 097/098, 101/102, 111/112, 113/114, 237/238, 325/326, 327/328, 335/336, 337/338, 341/342
CCL (3 Trains - 3 C830)
806, 817, 836
CGL (2 Trains - 2 C651)
227/228, 229/230
bold - NSL [LTE] trains.
Originally posted by SBS 8888 D:Train spotting - 07/05/10
EWL (29 Trains - 17 C151, 6 C651, 6 C751B)
001/002, 005/006, 011/012, 017/018, 023/024, 025/026, 031/032, 033/034, 047/048, 053/054, 059/060, 067/068, 069/070, 081/082, 089/090, 103/104, 117/118, 203/204, 205/206, 213/214, 215/216, 235/236, 237/238, 311/312, 321/322, 323/324, 329/330, 333/334, 349/350NSL (13 Trains - 7 C151, 1 C651, 5 C751B)
003/004, 015/016, 045/046, 097/098, 101/102, 111/112, 113/114, 237/238, 325/326, 327/328, 335/336, 337/338, 341/342CCL (3 Trains - 3 C830)
806, 817, 836CGL (2 Trains - 2 C651)
227/228, 229/230Legend:
bold - NSL [LTE] trains.
Add ons:
EWL (19) - 13 C151, 1 C651, 5 C751B
007/008, 013/014, 021/022, 049/050, 055/056, 057/058, 061/062, 063/064, 071/072, 077/078, 087/088, 111/112, 129/130, 221/222, 313/314, 317/318, 319/320, 339/340, 345/346
NSL (18) - 12 C151, 2 C651, 4 C751B
009/010, 033/034, 043/044, 051/052, 073/074, 077/078, 087/088, 095/096, 109/110, 119/120, 127/128, 129/130, 209/210, 211/212, 315/316, 343/344, 345/346, 349/350
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS
077/078, 111/112, 237/238 and 345/346 were on NSL in the morning, but went over to EWL in the evening.
349/350 was on EWL in the morning, but went over to NSL in the evening.
NEL: 4 C751As spotted
709/710, 721/722, 725/726, 749/750 (313)
CCL: 3 C830s spotted
810, 816, 836
Third CGL: 121/122
NSL: 003/004
EWL: 089/090
EWL (14 Trains - 11 C151, 1 C651, 2 C751B)
013/014, 027/028, 029/030, 031/032, 035/036, 043/044, 069/070, 075/076, 089/090, 111/112, 123/124, 201/202, 333/334, 339/340
CGL (3 Trains - 3 C651) -- spotted by smrt3099
203/204, 223/224, 227/228
**027/028, 029/030, 031/032, are travelling together, one after another
****223/224 is the third cgl train
NEL: 4 C751As spotted
705/706, 717/718, 745/746, 749/750
CCL: 3 C830s spotted
804, 817, 831
By the way, 749/750 had a faulty door at 73049 (needs confirmation)
Doors do not open at all at any station, and they even pasted stickers there to tell passengers. Wonder how long the problem will last. Could this show that NEL needs more trains? Hahas, hope by 2013 NEL gets another 10 train sets...
Spotting on 08 May 2010 (Saturday)
017-018, 041-042, 053-054, 059-060, 089-090, 103-104, 333-334
804, 811, 813, 817, 820, 821, 827, 831, 836
*053-054 was spotted at CTH like nothing happen yesterday.
081/082, 095/096, 097/098, 099/100
203/204, 223/224, 227/228
Train spotting - 09/05/10
EWL (11) - 7 C151, 1 C651, 3 C751B
005/006, 017/018, 019/020, 031/032, 047/048, 063/064, 111/112, 215/216, 311/312, 325/326, 333/334
CGL (2) - 2 C651
223/224, 227/228
Red - Trains with STARIS system
Blue - Trains with STARIS + bars
Green - Trains with ext ad + STARIS