I am not sure how the graph of e^-2x looks like. i need it to solve a question. Please teach me how to draw the graph.
thank you everyone
Originally posted by skythewood:
Yea I tried. But they didnt yield the results I want. (: Thats why I am here.
Originally posted by skythewood:
Yea I tried. But they didnt yield the results I want. (: Thats why I am here.
ask ur tutor lah?
Fill in some values and plot it to get a rough shape
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anyway, it looks eactly like y = e^x graph, except that it increase faster. try sub in x =0 to find the y intercept for both graph.
Originally posted by skythewood:http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&q=e+2x+graph&btnG=Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=
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anyway, it looks eactly like y = e^x graph, except that it increase faster. try sub in x =0 to find the y intercept for both graph.
So I guess e^-2x is towards to right side of the graph( since exponential graph cannot be on the negative region, I mean, below y = 0). and it is moving at a decreasing rate (as in a v-t graph)
i used to have the same kind of problem with you. if you're in exam situation and all you need is a rough shape of the graph, just substitute in values ranging from say x=-3 to 3.
For eg. if y=x^2,
when x=-3, y=9
x=-2, y=4..
and so on and so forth. then just plot a rough graph.
if you're at home and you have no math programme to help u draw a graph(mathematica) and such, just use microsoft excel.it works just as well if you don't need especially perfect and precise graphs. =) hope i helped
hijacking :D. How do i type this in my scientific calculator? "100(1-e^-0.1t)". i keep getting error.. yet i had found similar graph on the net though... I'm using Casio fx-991ms but i doubt so it is really a big matter here-i think.