Lets say i go teach tution through an agency
The kid ask me questions about maths science etc but i cant answer
will the agency straight fire me or something
what subjects u teaching?
and if u are not confident of teaching, why sign up as a tutor in the first place to 误人å�弟???
Tell your students honestly: 'I can't answer this right now, but I'll get back to you on this in the next lesson.' And seriously, follow up on it in the next lesson.
But obviously, you cannot use this excuse too often.
Originally posted by cactusjack23:Lets say i go teach tution through an agency
The kid ask me questions about maths science etc but i cant answer
will the agency straight fire me or something
Dear cactus ,
please go and revise or buy book in popular to understand ..everytime the first lesson is tough .,.but u get used to it ..
Just try and admit you don't know if you really don't At least try to followup on future lessons and make effort to understand the topics that you might be weaker in. Unless you do not know alot of stuff, its rare to be fired by the parents so easily unless you happen to teach an unreasonable family.
everyone makes mistakes lah..
o ok
my past tuition teachers like know everything off the top of their heads
once in a while, you won't be able to do some questions because of mental block.
But try not to let it happen too often. It is more important to make sure the students score, and understand the concepts. Can do well doesn't mean can teach well.
wad subjects u teaching?
Just go back the next time and tell the student you made a mistake and then explain the correct answer.
Dunno how to do and teaching the wrong stuff are two different things.
Dunno how to do: could be due to mental block or the questions too difficult.
teaching the wrong stuff: This can be very bad especially if parents/students pointed out to you that you are wrong. If you yourself realise you are making an error, then not so bad. Can correct it asap.