yo! i didnt do well for my h2 econs for all my exams. i got an U for my mid years and an S (after moderation) for my prelims in J2. However, i didn't give up on my Econs still (despite the lousy grades) and went ahead for consultation with my tutor (it's REALLY HELPFUL!) and i scored an A for my Econs A levels.
Trust me, go for consultation. Do an essay a week (or one essay every two weeks if u are lazy like me) and let your tutor go through with u in a small group. it was very helpful to me. Try taking down notes about how to attack an essay question as well.
Always remember to score the two evaluation marks for each essay (part B or the 25m essay qn). then, always manipulate your answers until it sounds like a L3 answer (read the answer scheme and u'd know what i am talking about) and u'd get high marks for your essay. (lol)
for case studies...well..cant say much. i always suck at case studies.
=) my 2 cent worth. hope it's useful to u
case studies just answer to the point can le. no need long answer.
e.g. ask for trend then just give "it dropped from 2005 to 2008, and increased thereafter" can get you 1 mark.
dunnid to explain "it dropped from 50% to 44% from 2005 to 2006, followed by a short period of increase from 44% to 45% from 2006 to 2007, then dropped again from 45% to 30% from 2007 to 2008, and increased from 30% to 50% from 2008 to 2009."
It's a trend, not an analysis.
seems like almost everyone of you guys got off to a bad start with economics! hahaha i need to pull up my socks man:(
miracle, where did you go for consultation?, i was thinking of going for quite a long time already, but i have no idea which ones are reliable.. and yeah, it certainly is helpful to me!
so guys, any idea where should i go for consultation? for a reasonable price.. thanks in advance! :)