So, has anyone else really used MIT opencourseware yet? Not only you can download full lectures and obtain the transcripts of the lectures from the MIT OCW website, you can view them on youtube. Simply amazing. Really grateful to MIT. Lotsa stuff on physics and maths, think they have chemistry stuff too but not sure.
Was having a bad day trying to mug for the semester finals, but found some time to watch a lecture on differential equations and it kinda inspired me.
Simply amazing. World of difference between MIT and local stuff.
I agree, very good resources on its site to benefit all keen learners!
It inspired the creation of my maths site :) I have always been impressed by foreigners who are so very willing to share.
Wen Shih
ya... very good and useful website
Wow, nice website but abit too late... I got my physical chem exam in 3 hrs and i still wonder whether i can pass it...
Have faith and you will. Good luck!
Wen Shih
Haiz, maybe i can use the site next yr if i da bao my physical chem... The paper sucks and i was careless... 19 marks blank....
MIT opencourseware website is excellent.
MIT university has made its lecture notes and learning resources available to all.
It is really a great contribution to education.
Yeah the world would be a better place if everyone shares.
Kudos to MIT!