Given that X= quadrilateral, Y= triangle, Z= trapezium, which of the following is correct?
(A) Y is a subset of Z
(B) X is a subset of Z
(C) Y is a subset of X
(D) Z is a subset of X
answer is (D), y--> i thought Z is a proper subset of X.
My reasoning is all trapeziums are quadrilaterals, but not all quadrilaterals are trapeziums.
hence, trapezium is a member of quadrilateral but quadrilateral has more elements than just trapeziums, quadrilaterals can be square, rhombus etc
yup answer is D
my question is how come answer is D
i feel answer should not be D as Z is a proper subset of X, not a subset of X
Originally posted by Divanhot:my question is how come answer is D
i feel answer should not be D as Z is a proper subset of X, not a subset of X
I believe you can say so ba....
Definition of proper subset:
If A is a subset of B, but A is not equal to B (i.e. there exists at least one element of B not contained in A), then A is also a proper subset of B....