Closing the schools for a week as reported in today's The New Paper would hopefully prevent the spread of the flu. However, is it really necessary? Is swine flu really that deadly? More people die of car accidents than the swine flu each day. Should they outlaw cars instead?
Originally posted by NerdzRulz:Closing the schools for a week as reported in today's The New Paper would hopefully prevent the spread of the flu. However, is it really necessary? Is swine flu really that deadly? More people die of car accidents than the swine flu each day. Should they outlaw cars instead?
Straits times say no closure leh
MOE has anounced that there will be no extension of holidays or closure of schools.
Don't think they will closed scool, not a major outbreak like SARS.
shouldn't close schools. In fact shoudl keep the kids in schools. that a controlled environment and after a week, can be sure that the kids are not infect by some parents or whoever that were infected.
So keep the kids in school and make them study 24/7
Originally posted by NerdzRulz:Closing the schools for a week as reported in today's The New Paper would hopefully prevent the spread of the flu. However, is it really necessary? Is swine flu really that deadly? More people die of car accidents than the swine flu each day. Should they outlaw cars instead?
Swine flu is already labelled a pandemic already, it is just that it hasn't mutated even further yet. This is a good reason for them to close down the schools.
If memory serves me right, the last major pandemic also start out quite small, and ended up killing over 20m people in the world. I am not joking or scaring you here.
Oh, and there is also the fact that they do not have an exact vaccine to deal with swine flu yet.