I have this rather nagging question on my mind which is posed by my teacher. I can't remember the exact details but I will provide you guys a rough idea.
In this experiment we are supposed to find the specific heat capacity of water. You are provided a kettle, ammeter, thermometer and some other usual circuit components you can find(can;t remember all but feel free to add in suitable electrical component into the circuit)
Can someone briefly tell me what I should do with this? Thank you very much
Probably just something like this.
Remember that specific heat capacity is is the measure of the heat energy required to increase the temperature of a unit quantity of a substance by a certain temperature interval. So c = Q/mT. Q is heat energy
Use the electrical components to heat up the water, assuming that all electrical energy is converted to heat energy to heat up a specific mass of water. Remember that E = IVt (current through heating element x voltage of power source x time taken) Use thermometer to see when the temperature of the water go up by lets say 10 degrees.
So you got everything already lor. Then sub in and find. To have more exact answer, just do multiple times and take average.