First poem.
What happens to a
dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten
Or crust and sugar over
Like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load
Or does it explode?
a) What is a dream deferred?
b) State and explain the similes used in the poem
c) Do you find the comparisons apt?
d) What sort of human actions are implied by the comparisons?
e) Hughes shifted from the use of similes to a metaphor towards the end of the poem. Identify the metaphor used.
f) Why do you think he used a metaphor at the end of the poem?
Second poem
O my luve's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve's like a melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
Till a'the seas gang dry
Till a'the seas gang dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my Dear,
While the sands o'life shall run.
And fare thee weel my only Luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my Luve
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!
a) What does the poet compares his love to? State the poetic device used
b) How does the poet reinforce his love in stanza 2 and 3? Explain how this conveys the extent of his love
c) What is the rhyme scheme used in the poem? Why do you think the above stated rhyme scheme is used?
d) How does the poet reassure his unyielding love to his lover in the last stanza?
Thanks for helpin :)
Originally posted by aYexa:First poem.
What happens to a
dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or festr like a sore
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten
Or crust and sugar over
Like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load
Or does it explode?
a) What is a dream deferred?
b) State and explain the similes used in the poem
c) Do you find the comparisons apt?
d) What sort of human actions are implied by the comparisons?
e) Hughes shifted from the use of similes to a metaphor towards the end of the poem. Identify the metaphor used.
f) Why do you think he used a metaphor at the end of the poem?
A dream deferred is a dream "pushed backwards" due to certain constraints.
dry up like a raisin in the sun - A withered dream
festr like a sore And then run - A dream you worked very hard for but ended up with nothing
stink like rotten meat - A dream which becomes pointless as time goes by ( Not Sure )
crust and sugar over Like a syrupy sweet - a fulfilled dream
Yes, as they represents the various possible outcomes of a dream.
dry up like a raisin in the sun - To not care about it long enough until you forgotten about it or couldn't care about it anymore
festr like a sore And then run - To stubbornly work hard for a pointless thing
stink like rotten meat - ???
crust and sugar over Like a syrupy sweet - Enjoying the success story.
Unfortunately, I am no good with metaphors. My apologies.
Edit: As for your 2nd poem which you put up, it is seriously out of my league. I am only good with things up to "O"-lvl ( Standard of a few years back, not the current standard )
For the first poem, you may check out the analysis and commentary at:
Wen Shih
Hey thanks much for the first one. Haha I'm lousy :(
Anyone could help me out on the second one? Thanks all :)
Perhaps an english translation will help you understand better about the content of the second poem:
Wen Shih
Refer to:
for the second poem too. Thanks!
Wen Shih