Firms pricing and output decisions depend on the behaviour of competitors.
aExplain barriers of entry as a key determinant.
b Discuss behaviour of firms in reality on behaviours of their competitors.
my son ask me this question but i dont noe hw to ans
1) relevance to trade embargo, quota, demand and supply, with its x-y axis graph
2) relevance to consumer buying behaviour at marketing segmentation behaviour son learn until oligopoly pc mc and monopoly only
any1 can help pls
then tell ur son dont ask advanced theories questions when he is still learning the basics of macro-economics and micro-economics then...
The questions are testing you on the concepts learnt under oligopoly, pc, mc and monpoly what.
How far are you thinking?
It's a past year A level question if i recall correctly.
As a A level student, here is my take on the question:
a) - Explain Barriers to entry (Talk about insitutional BTEs and Economical BTEs)
add examples in real world.
Direction: High BTEs => Mkt power => Ability of firms to restrict Price or output
- explain with diagram
No/Low BTE=>no mkt power=> price taker
- explain with same diagram
of course, points need to be further elaborated