The table below shows the results of experiments to measure the volume of dilute H2SO4 needed to neutralize the mass of NaOH dissolved in the volume of water
Expt Vol of H2SO4 acid required Mass of NaOH/g Vol. of water/cm3
1 20 1 20
2 40 2 40
3 40 2 20
4 ? 1 40
From these results, what is the volume of H2SO4 needed to neutralize NaOH in the 4th experiment?
Answer is 20cm3
I have difficulties interpreting data set 2 and 3. Why is it that when NaOH is dissolved in the different volumes of water, the volume of H2SO4 needed for neutalization remains the same? And how do I obtain the answer for experiment 4? How does result for experiment 1 actually give clues as to how to get answer for expt4? (Lots of unanswered questions in my head actually)
A big thanks!