Originally posted by Matthew ong123:What is the source document amy sent to ben if amy brought goods from ben in credit?
Credit Note.
Trick question.
When Amy makes a purchase from Ben, Amy would have sent a Purchase Order to Ben.
When goods are delivered to Amy, Amy would have to check the Delivery Note to her Purchase Order.
After signing the Delivery Note, Ben will send an Invoice to Amy.
Credit Note is for goods returned, overcharged invoices, etc.
I just learnt it from Google.
You can search "accounting reference desktop accounts payable transaction flow", click on the first search result book by Steven M. Bragg, Chapter 17-3, page 194.
deepak . Is purchase Order = Purchases invoice?
I call it "purchase order", what you want to call it, is another thing, whether it's acceptable for your intends and purposes is another thing.