This is with regards to the Haber process.
a. when a mixture of hydrogen, nitrgoen, and ammonia enters the cooler, the ammonia turns to a liquid but the other gases do not. What does this tell you about the boiling point of ammonia?
(I thought that NH3 has a lower b.p than the other 2 gases but it turns out te NH3 has a higher b.p. well, how does the statement let you know that NH3 has a higher b.p?)
b. Give a reason, other than cost, why the unreacted N2 and H2 are recycled.
Ans: to increase the pressure of N2 and H2 and shift the equilibrium to the right. (totally catch no ball)
Secondly, on organic chem
can someone help me define what does "addition" mean? i looked through tys revision notes and it says,"the formation of a polymer by addition reaction where many monomers join together via rearrangement of bonds w/o loss of any atom/molecule". While I agree with the last part of the statement, I feel that the first part of the phrasing is more towards describing addition polymerisation and not addition reactions as a whole. What's your take? (definition not available in TB, i'm sorry to tell)
Thirdly, a tys question
In 2004, a tsunami (tidal wave) flooded farmland in Indonesia with sea water. The salt in the sea water made the soil less fertile. A scientist measures the amt of salt in water using a conductivity tester (CT). The CT has 2 electrodes connected to a battery. the scientist notices that bubbles of gas form on the -ve electrode when the tester is dipped into salt water
write the half ionic eqn to show how this gas forms
my answer: 2H+ +2e- -> H2
ans given: 2H2O + 2e- -> H2 + 2OH-
Am I wrong?
LAST BUT NOT LEAST... question on diffusion
let's say you are given 2 gas jars. In each gas jars, you have a mixture of H2 and CO2 gas.
The first gas jar is placed horizontally with the left side containing H2 gas and the right side containing CO2 gas (before experiment starts)
The second gas jar is placed vertically with H2 gas in the top half of the gas jar and CO2 at bottom half (again before expt starts)
I was told to describe
-how the amounts of CO2 and H2 change in the gas jars.
-speed of movement of the gases in each expt
-the reasons for each change
the answer given is
for horizonal jar, H2 gas will move and diffusion faster than CO2 while for vertical jar, CO2 move faster than H2
Eh, i thought diffusion relies on Mr regardless of whether the gas is on top/bottom of the jar. so shouldn;t H2 diffuse faster down the jar than CO2? In short, shouldnt H2 in both cases diffuse faster?
Pardon me for the long-winded post. Thanks
the gas jar is due to gravity . go figure =x
2nd qn
addition reaction, bromination/hydration or addtion polymerisation ?
addation reaction is just add lor. xD
3rd qn i dunoee
okok. TS .. ill answer for part b:
taking for the Haber's process. The ratio of reactants to products is 4:2.
therefore, by Lechatelier's principle, increasing the pressure will cause the equilibrium to shift to occupy a smaller volume (which is into the 2 mol ratio), thus, shifting the equilibirum to the right.
okok. with regards to the organic chem qn...
Eg of a simple addition reaction (of hydrogenation)
Ethene + hydrogen ----> ethane .
so it applies, like the statement which you mentioned, except without the polymer and monomer part. Just replace those, and the skeletal meaning is there.
oh ya. for part a)
wait ah. i was rethinking it. And i cant figure out how. ooo.