1. when copper is extracted from its ore, it contains carbon impurities. suggest how the carbon impurities get into the copper.
My reasoning: copper is low in reactivity, so it can be obtained through reduction by carbon and during this extraction process, carbon impurities get onto the copper.
2.when Fe is extraced from haematite in the blast furnacem waste gases and solid waste products are formed.
name the 3 main waste products (N2 , CO, CO2)
I know N2 is produced as waste gas, but is there any equation to prove its formation?
Thanks everyone!
Originally posted by Audi:1. when copper is extracted from its ore, it contains carbon impurities. suggest how the carbon impurities get into the copper.
My reasoning: copper is low in reactivity, so it can be obtained through reduction by carbon and during this extraction process, carbon impurities get onto the copper.
2.when Fe is extraced from haematite in the blast furnacem waste gases and solid waste products are formed.
name the 3 main waste products (N2 , CO, CO2)
I know N2 is produced as waste gas, but is there any equation to prove its formation?
Thanks everyone!
N2 should not appear in the blast furnace if i didn't recall wrongly since only oxygen is pumped into the blast furnace. However if N2 is really present then it can be said that its present in the air pumped into the blast furnace and it stays unreacted throughout the entire process. 1 of the waste product is the slag (CaSiO3) formed during the reaction. CO should not be considered a waste product as it is used as part of the reaction process.
One of my friends' silbing passed me his TYS and the question, if i remember correctly, asks candidates to name 3 waste gases during extraction of iron from blast furnace. My answers, are stated, as above. However answers the publishers gave does not include N2, but CaO, which I think is even impossible to think of since CaO exists as solid form. What do you think?
Thanks once again.