Just take triple science.
Seriously, the workload for o levels is really minuscule.
i takeing pure phy/chem .
sci no cake, so i get As .
what else u wan ?
i got a fren all 3 pure sci A1
depend on urself la.
i also got a fren ,. 3 Pure sci all Cs and Bs .
Hi, i feel that no matter 2/3 science you take, you must take chemistry. Rather important subject i feel.
If you are going into 2 science, you may want to try out double humanities, which include Pure Geog/Hist and Combined Hist/Geog (in case you didnt know Combined means Social studies plus the stated subject).
Maths i would recommend you to take both a and e maths if your school doesnt force you to take it. Taking it will seriously help you lots!
The languages I would not like to say much about it.
For me, I am taking EL, MT, HMT, E Maths, A Maths, Chemistry, Physics, and Combined History. If you are really into science, go ahead and try out the triple science course!
Cheers (:
chem is compulsory.
A maths also compulsory
No education is worth much which does not help those who receive it to understand the world in which they live and to feel more at home and more confident in the world. For many years, the experience of Americans in their academic institutions has not been helping, but rather has hindered, that process.
That experience has tended to be a kind of brainwashing, seeking, in most cases, to establish a bourgeois or (in recent years) a petty bourgeois outlook.
On the higher levels of the system, this has been supplemented by a steadily narrowing of training for a place in the bureaucratic structures which now dominate American life, in business, in government, in education itself, in religion, t he law, medicine, and the defense forces. This is reflected in earlier, and in more and more narrow, specialization and i n the increasing pedantic nature of so much of the work done in all fields.
The chief group of discontented are, of course, the students, who grow increasingly restless, discontented, and alienated because of their recognition of the large-scale irrelevance of so much of what they have to learn. Within these fields, some teachers realize, more or less unconsciously, that much is wrong.
Yet they feel that they must go on, and do so, rationalizing that they have to make a living somehow, and this is the only way they are equipped to earn what is needed, and, secondly they assure themselves and their students that the latter must have a college education. This latter belief is correct only if the student is determined to make his living by finding a place in the great and ever-growing bureaucracies which envelop our world and now overshadow it.
But all of these bureaucracies do their work inefficiently and badly. They look good only if we accept their own fraudulent bookkeeping. If a student wants to spend his life en-capsulated in the interstices of one of these monstrous structures, I suppose he does need a college education, not because college prepares him to do their work but simply because these structures increasingly demand a college degree as a ticket of admission to their employ.
They demand that only because it indicates that the, holder of that ticket has submitted to years of brainwashing in irrelevancies and will put up with the myths of the bureaucracy he joins.