I forgot write the summary question no. on the cover page of english leh, will get 0 marks ma? Suddenly I remembered I didn't write...
Originally posted by Han chiang:I forgot write the summary question no. on the cover page of english leh, will get 0 marks ma? Suddenly I remembered I didn't write...
Nah, should not be penalised too heavily for such mistakes.
Wa I am really relieved to hear that man... My summary already screwed up, plus my english always very bad de, if I get 0 for summary sure fail liao.
Originally posted by Han chiang:Wa I am really relieved to hear that man... My summary already screwed up, plus my english always very bad de, if I get 0 for summary sure fail liao.
Work hard on ur remaining papers and not worry about such stuff :)
Good Luck
But still abit worried leh. My english the kind like barely scraping through one, cannot afford to screw up. If my english good, losing a few marks wont hurt much...
if english good losing a few marks will hurt alot.FYI.
Originally posted by Han chiang:I forgot write the summary question no. on the cover page of english leh, will get 0 marks ma? Suddenly I remembered I didn't write...
nah i dun think so
Cambridge markers aim to GIVE marks
Singaporean markers 'sibei jiam siap'
not really. all markers damn kiam siap. cambridge also.
Originally posted by xstryker:not really. all markers damn kiam siap. cambridge also.
cambridge not so la. they mark very lieniently for literature
ya but for content/conceptual based questions if you dont give them what they want straight 0. ):
Not writing the question number in front is not a major factor in the exams. Its more for convinience for the markers to record the scores instead of needing to write down all the question numbers on their own. There is no reason for them to deduct marks for something that is merely for their convinience.
Originally posted by Sgforum King:cambridge not so la. they mark very lieniently for literature
got prove bo ? lol
Originally posted by yiha093:got prove bo ? lol
search around lor.
u tell me la, later what if wild goose chase.
Originally posted by yiha093:u tell me la, later what if wild goose chase.
then the wild goose rape.
U search around sgforums got a few threads about literature then u go see. all also say in school always fail then O level get B