what do ya think?
need to state a specific age and reasons supported with facts. xie xie.
ice age.
Is this a topic to discuss as an English essay?
If not, please discuss it elsewhere. Thanks.
Wen Shih
Originally posted by wee_ws:Hi,
Is this a topic to discuss as an English essay?
If not, please discuss it elsewhere. Thanks.
Wen Shih
essay topic obviously haha x3
there is no specific age
if u think u are ready and there's someone, then go ahead
Originally posted by Angelababy:what do ya think?
need to state a specific age and reasons supported with facts. xie xie.
State the points that you yourself have come up with, then ask other people to critique your points and to offer their own suggestions..
Don't come on an online forum and ask people to come up with all the points for you. That is pure laziness.
Xie xie.
Since Singapore is running short of babies for the coming year. It is recommended to encourage teenagers to start dating after their 16th birthday to prevent running aflout of the law.
immediately after PSLE
After rod, get a job and then start dating.
yr haiir cume out, i teahc u.
go hootel w my frends.
sundy see mee
when their private parts grow hair
Wow..good answer.
[lame] "at what age should teenagers start dating?" - you have already set the limit for the dating process to be between the ages of 13-19. So my answer is that they shouldn't. [/lame]
any age. as long as the students and their family is ok with it.
Well, I guess any age is fine.
12+ and above
Old enough to bleed = old enough to breed=old enough to date
let nature take its course...
ha, when you're just turning 13.take the first heartbreaker out.