I have attach a summary of the number of places allocated to poly student in each course in NTU/NUS by request :
Disclaimer: The information below are taken on a basis of 15% admission rate for poly students and assuming it is constant for each course. In actual fact, numbers and % varies. Please use this a very general guide and not as an accurate source of information. I will not be liable for any loss or any undersired consequences as a result of using these information. Exercise due care while using it.
I don't see how this can be useful since its a very bias and not really useful information considering certain courses will have very few poly students such as chemical engineering, pharmacy etc while there are certain courses where more poly students seem to join.
The 15% if there ever is any such % will be for the entire uni and not base on courses at all.
Under arts and social sciences, the 90th percentile for Poly students, GPA 3.82. I know a guy who did that. =D