I'm in sec 3 this year, I've been separated from my best friends and my current class has those ahlian type girls, and I cant concentrate in class, becoz of them and coz I miss my friends. I also have stage fright so when my english teacher wants us to read aloud our book review I will starting getting nervous. Now everyday I dont feel like going to school anymore... someone help me
Originally posted by snsdsooyoung:I'm in sec 3 this year, I've been separated from my best friends and my current class has those ahlian type girls, and I cant concentrate in class, becoz of them and coz I miss my friends. I also have stage fright so when my english teacher wants us to read aloud our book review I will starting getting nervous. Now everyday I dont feel like going to school anymore... someone help me
You will have to learn to cope without friends around. In future, you all will still split up in JC/poly/uni and work as well. Learn to be more independent and be able to do things on your own. You do not always have a chance to decide the people you work with in future so you'll have to learn to work with all sorts of people in future.
Friends etc are still in the same school with you so you can still hang around them during recess and after school etc if you miss them.
why you cannot concentrate when there are ah lian girls? They zaogeng for you to see?
Take it like a man and read aloud la. Don't scare people laugh at you. If they laugh at you, next time they read you laugh back.
are you a male?
if you're, show them how manly you're
U can always get to know them better... ahlian also human u know... u sec 3 le... dun behave like primary school kids -___-
btw, u can get to know those ahlian betters then later intro to gunner77... His favourite...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:U can always get to know them better... ahlian also human u know... u sec 3 le... dun behave like primary school kids -___-
btw, u can get to know those ahlian betters then later intro to gunner77... His favourite...
Sorry to inform you, i have change my taste. Im into mature ladies.
Listen i say mature. Not over-mature.
Originally posted by gunner77:Sorry to inform you, i have change my taste. Im into mature ladies.
Listen i say mature. Not over-mature.
what and who do you consider mature
Originally posted by Fantagf:
what and who do you consider mature
Some lady that i feel its mature enough for me. Im sick and tired of childish xmm.
Guess im getting old? Im 33 this year. Damn! time flies.
walan eh. frens come and goes. live wif it . =.=
Yup, simply because they are ahlians doesn't mean you have to take extra care to stay away from them. The most important thing is to remain yourself, and not follow whatever they might do blindly. You don't have to act ahlian just to fit into their cliques.
As for reading..there is really nothing to be afraid of. Project your voice, enunciate clearly, and take extra care to pronounce words that are multisyllabic in nature. Also remember your "th"s, like "this", "that". Singaporeans tend to pronounce it as "dis" and "dat".
That is all I can remember. Technically speaking, reading aloud should be a natural thing since it has been incorporated into primary school education, i.e. oral reading examinations.
Don't get distracted by your peers. Your future is faaaaaaaaaaarrrrr more important. Focus on doing well in your studies.
Therefore, if you're the type easily influenced by peers, it would be prudent to hang out with (make friends with) others who are similarly like-minded who realize the importance of doing well in your studies for the sake of your/their future.
Make it a point to encourage your friends (the ones you choose to hang out with) to have as a focal point of your interaction, your studies. Friendly competitiveness for studies, but with willingness to help/tutor/support each other in your work/assignments/tests, can go a long way toward helping you focus on your studies, and significantly contribute to your results.
And yes, what do you mean you're distracted by Ah Lians? Distracted because you're feeling sexually attracted to them (regardlesss of your own gender), or because they make too much noise with their cacophonous (some would say 'melodious') chatter so you can't focus on listening to the teacher?
Assuming the latter, you can always ask your form and/or subject teacher to allow you to sit in front of the class. Explain to them you feel you need to be near the front to concentrate, and they will mostly be supportive of your good learning attitude.
Originally posted by gunner77:
Some lady that i feel its mature enough for me.Im sick and tired of childish xmm.
Guess im getting old? Im 33 this year. Damn! time flies.
Maturity doesn't necessarily increase proportionately with respect to age.
So technically XMM can also be berri mature~
Originally posted by donkhead333:Maturity doesn't necessarily increase proportionately with respect to age.
So technically XMM can also be berri mature~
You mean physically mature or mentally mature?
Of coz i also prefer physically mature xmm.
So fast replies o_0
ya so they're sitting like beside beside my table and they shouts vulgar to their friends across the classroom and keep talking back to teacher, I reali cannot concentrate. Abt the stage fright thing, can anyone teach me some tips not to be nervous? And when I'm nervous my voice starts to change o_0..
Originally posted by snsdsooyoung:So fast replies o_0
ya so they're sitting like beside beside my table and they shouts vulgar to their friends across the classroom and keep talking back to teacher, I reali cannot concentrate. Abt the stage fright thing, can anyone teach me some tips not to be nervous? And when I'm nervous my voice starts to change o_0..
The more you do it, the better and more confident you become in it.
Originally posted by snsdsooyoung:So fast replies o_0
ya so they're sitting like beside beside my table and they shouts vulgar to their friends across the classroom and keep talking back to teacher, I reali cannot concentrate. Abt the stage fright thing, can anyone teach me some tips not to be nervous? And when I'm nervous my voice starts to change o_0..
show them the middle finger. Tell them you want to study and not be some useless people like them in future.
why dont you practice at home? like take a book stand in front of your mirror and read.
Originally posted by gunner77:
show them the middle finger. Tell them you want to study and not be some useless people like them in future.why dont you practice at home? like take a book stand in front of your mirror and read.
Originally posted by snsdsooyoung:So fast replies o_0
ya so they're sitting like beside beside my table and they shouts vulgar to their friends across the classroom and keep talking back to teacher, I reali cannot concentrate. Abt the stage fright thing, can anyone teach me some tips not to be nervous? And when I'm nervous my voice starts to change o_0..
This is something I do when I've to memorize chunks of text for presentations, not sure if it would work on reducing the effects of nervousness, but it does help in reading.
Grab a piece of text, and recite it in front of the mirror. If you stumble over a word, mark it with a pencil, skip it and continue on with the passage. Re-read the entire passage while taking great care to pronounce the words marked earlier on properly. A full-stop warrants a 1 second pause; 0.5 seconds for a comma.
As for them being distracting, I can understand what you are going through especially when you are trying to concentrate. I had a classmate throw eraser bits at me for an entire semester, just so you know. Just block it out, and concentrate on the task at hand. If need be, approach your teacher after school/during break time to clarify your doubts. You can also make use of this opportunity to raise the issue of your classmates being too distracting during lessontime.
Good luck!
Originally posted by gunner77:
You mean physically mature or mentally mature?Of coz i also prefer physically mature xmm.
Aiyo. Physically mature very hard to find lar..
Regarding reading aloud, speech, accents and pronunciation, you might find it helpful to watch videos that provide exposure to properly enunciated English, in a variety of accents.
The point, isn't to 'show off' speaking English in some foreign accent, but to find some fun, to enjoy the process, of speaking English. It is always an entertaining bonus, if you're versatile and able to speak in a variety of accents. Any intelligent person (Singaporean or otherwise) will know how to appropriately switch registers (ie. use a different accent or style, when speaking to different people).
Here are a couple of videos for your enjoyment :
A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Psychiatrist sketch
Monty Python Parrot sketch
Dr House - Cuddy & Cameron as Valley Girls sketch
Amy Walker speaks in 21 Accents
thanks for all the replies, reali grateful :) would try out the practising infront of a mirror and talk to my teacher tomorrow abt them. thanks once again!
Oh oh, speaking of versatile people (eg. Amy Walker), Jon Lajoie plays the role of the following 12 different rappers, each with a different accent and style :
MC Confusing
MC Insecure
MC Amnesia
MC Public Urination
MC Fatigue
Chorus Guy
MC Doesn'tKnowWhatIronyIs
MC GetsSidetrackedEasily
MC Lethal Weapon 1,2 & 3
MC Lethal Weapon 4
MC ShitMyPantsFrequently
MC Final
Note : if adult language offends you, don't watch. If you enjoy a good rap, watch. Awfully talented chap, this Jon Lajoie.
The problems with the girls have been solved, the teacher talked to them and they came to apologize to me o_0 I think we can be friends ba? So now is about the book talk which I would have to present next week, my hands and legs would be like jelly like that, trembling ~.~ my voice would slightly go higher. how how how??
Originally posted by snsdsooyoung:I'm in sec 3 this year, I've been separated from my best friends and my current class has those ahlian type girls, and I cant concentrate in class, becoz of them and coz I miss my friends. I also have stage fright so when my english teacher wants us to read aloud our book review I will starting getting nervous. Now everyday I dont feel like going to school anymore... someone help me
Be mindful of your feelings.
Recognise that it is only natural for you to
- feel lost,
- get distracted,
- become nervous
in those situations.
Instead of reacting negatively, find concrete ways to change your responses so that things may become better.
You can become a better individual by being proactive and positive.
Wen Shih
are you a male or a pussy?