L1R4 - 12points without - cca
EL, Math, CombH B3
Comb Science A2
stuck between marine and offshore tech in ngee ann and pharmaceutical science..
my interest is with engineering and naval architecture however it is a 17 pointer course
pharmaceutical is a 11 pointer but my interest level for it is quite low...
aerospace/aeronautical seems to be a boring course with a career choice of fixing jet/turboprop engines for the rest of my life
u 12pter the course COP 17 point u canot go ? u noe how the system work ? lols
go with ur heart.
. . .. . . . . the score high so what sia, as long as u have interest can le !
besides, engineering course normally high COP de what, maybe xcept chem eng, but later go UNI difficult get in ler. -_-
ok thx for advices i think i shall go marine and offshore and maybe try to opt for the one with a little bit of business maybe would give me a wider choice of careers next time. for uni i dont really know how easy it is...but i guess i have a higher chance in engineering than to take a very hot course with low COP ? maybe can go overseas and take uni...perhaps after poly directly work or something..