I know it's kinda early to ask about streaming questions but i'm WORRIED. I just screwed my CA3's and right now i'm studying more and more.
So basically for sec one these are my EOY results
English: 73
Math: 77
Science: 90.0
Geography: 80+
History: 80+
Chinese: 43 (YES I KNOW)
Literature: 78
I know some people may be thinking "Oh hell, you're from normal acad. OF COURSE, EVERYTHING IS BLOODY EASY!"
But no, i studied very hard in sec one and i tried to transfer to express but i couldn't because of my Chinese results. I was second in level and i think it was a great reward for studying like some nerd. LoL.
Anyway the point of my question is that i want to ask about which options i should choose
Elective geography/Elective history
I enjoy geography and i had plans to take it but other people keep confusing me and they just say to take history its much better and stuff like that
DnT/ Art/ POA
What in the world is principles of accounts about actually?
AND I was wondering if, if i do good for science and maths, would i be able to take the amaths and pure science from express stream?
OH and if you have any advice or anything, please please please tell me??
wow.. your situation quite similiar to mine years back..
if u enjoy geography den take geography. dont care what other ppl tell you. its your choice. both subjects are quite similiar in the sense that they require memorising. Geography alittle less though as some of the topics are common sense(i.e human geography)
Don't take art unless you are VERY passionate and interested in it
Dnt is easy if you are willing to put effort into it but its rather time consuming imo.
For POA.. alot ppl have the misconception that it is just simple maths.. it's not. Its more concept-based and applying it in the form of drafting up accounts for business transactions
i took POA n Geography back in sec school btw.. and ppl either found POA very easy or they just totally hate it.
For your last question. that will depend on ur school i guess. I was in the "through train programme' for sec school which allow me to skip N lvl and go directly to sec5. was also offered the choice to take O'lvl maths and chinese during sec4"
Finally work hard n maintain those results!
Originally posted by aliciahello:AND I was wondering if, if i do good for science and maths, would i be able to take the amaths and pure science from express stream?
OH and if you have any advice or anything, please please please tell me??
As <(0))>< said, this is entirely dependent on your school, on the willingness and goodwill of your HOD and your principal. They have the power to upgrade you, and they have the power to refuse you. But of course, to even stand any chance at all for them to consider your request, you must first prove you're capable of scoring A1s (no less) for Maths and Science, in both your Mid Year and End of Year examinations.
You may wish to :
i) make known to your Science Teachers and Form Teachers your intention to request an upgrade to Pure Science subjects in Sec 3, and ask their advice about it. Be sure you communicate your promise and assurance to do very very well (ie. A1s) for Science and Maths. Look for them after school to talk about it.
ii) Score A1s (no less) for both Science and Maths in your Mid Year Exam and End of Year Exam, and do well for every other subject (you must not fail any subject at all, even if unrelated to Science).
iii) Get your parent (father or mother) to personally come to the school and speak to the HOD and/or principal to "seek advice" on requesting the upgrade to Pure Science next year, after you've obtained your A1s in the Mid Year exam, and once more (get your parent(s) to come down to the school personally) again *immediately* after you've obtained your A1s in the End of Year exam.
If you do succeed to take Pure Science next year, be sure to take (in addition to Additional Maths of course) Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics; these two Sciences are much more valuable than Pure Biology.
All the best.
Originally posted by aliciahello:I know it's kinda early to ask about streaming questions but i'm WORRIED. I just screwed my CA3's and right now i'm studying more and more.
So basically for sec one these are my EOY results
English: 73
Math: 77
Science: 90.0
Geography: 80+
History: 80+
Chinese: 43 (YES I KNOW)
Literature: 78
I know some people may be thinking "Oh hell, you're from normal acad. OF COURSE, EVERYTHING IS BLOODY EASY!"
But no, i studied very hard in sec one and i tried to transfer to express but i couldn't because of my Chinese results. I was second in level and i think it was a great reward for studying like some nerd. LoL.
Anyway the point of my question is that i want to ask about which options i should choose
Elective geography/Elective history
I enjoy geography and i had plans to take it but other people keep confusing me and they just say to take history its much better and stuff like that
DnT/ Art/ POA
What in the world is principles of accounts about actually?
AND I was wondering if, if i do good for science and maths, would i be able to take the amaths and pure science from express stream?
OH and if you have any advice or anything, please please please tell me??
take subjects that you enjoy and can score.
Humm I think pure chemi/physics, A mathematics are for express student.
principle of accounting is the entry level for business and accounting at higher level education, basically it is maths related.
If you think you can cope in express stream, you should ask for transfer, chinese is not essential now, else you will be bored to death in the normal syllabus.
If you dont, just work hard and continued, my friend has taken the normal-poly-unit route is not working as bank executive now.
Learn to pick up extra skills such as creative thinking, speed reading, mind mapping, photographic memory... go to the library and search for self-improvement books.
Additional Mathematics is offered at N level. However not all schools offer it.
For the 2 common used textbooks, topics not tested at N level are highlighted ( for example, linear law, modulus, geometric proof etc etc...).
What is not in the N level syllabus is taught in Sec 5 when the candidate proceed to the O level.
Passion for the subjects is more important, POA is just boring.
Principle of Accounting is doing balance sheet.
Take Amath and pure science if you like it.
For myself i had Amath, combine science and biology
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Originally posted by UltimaOnline:
As <(0))>< said, this is entirely dependent on your school, on the willingness and goodwill of your HOD and your principal. They have the power to upgrade you, and they have the power to refuse you. But of course, to even stand any chance at all for them to consider your request, you must first prove you're capable of scoring A1s (no less) for Maths and Science, in both your Mid Year and End of Year examinations.
You may wish to :
i) make known to your Science Teachers and Form Teachers your intention to request an upgrade to Pure Science subjects in Sec 3, and ask their advice about it. Be sure you communicate your promise and assurance to do very very well (ie. A1s) for Science and Maths. Look for them after school to talk about it.
ii) Score A1s (no less) for both Science and Maths in your Mid Year Exam and End of Year Exam, and do well for every other subject (you must not fail any subject at all, even if unrelated to Science).
iii) Get your parent (father or mother) to personally come to the school and speak to the HOD and/or principal to "seek advice" on requesting the upgrade to Pure Science next year, after you've obtained your A1s in the Mid Year exam, and once more (get your parent(s) to come down to the school personally) again *immediately* after you've obtained your A1s in the End of Year exam.
If you do succeed to take Pure Science next year, be sure to take (in addition to Additional Maths of course) Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics; these two Sciences are much more valuable than Pure Biology.
All the best.
anticipated response from you, why bio less valuable,
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:anticipated response from you, why bio less valuable,
In a nutshell :
An 'A' level H2 Mathematics background is a prerequisite for all Science courses in the University.
An 'A' level H2 Chemistry background is a prerequisite for a majority of Science courses in the University.
An 'A' level H2 Physics background is a prerequisite for a majority of Science courses in the University.
An 'A' level H2 Biology background is a prerequisite for a minority of Science courses in the University.
With both 'A' level H2 Chemistry and H2 Physics background, you've the prerequisites to read > 90% of Science courses in the University.
With only H2 Biology and either H2 Chemistry or H2 Physics background, you can only read < 50% of Science courses in the University.
But if you've already made up your mind to take a course in the University that is Biology based, by all means take H2 Biology (and H2 Chemistry, which would almost certainly be more relevant to the University Biology course, compared to H2 Physics).
Originally posted by UltimaOnline:
In a nutshell :
An 'A' level H2 Mathematics background is a prerequisite for all Science courses in the University.
An 'A' level H2 Chemistry background is a prerequisite for a majority of Science courses in the University.
An 'A' level H2 Physics background is a prerequisite for a majority of Science courses in the University.
An 'A' level H2 Biology background is a prerequisite for a minority of Science courses in the University.
With both 'A' level H2 Chemistry and H2 Physics background, you've the prerequisites to read > 90% of Science courses in the University.
With only H2 Biology and either H2 Chemistry or H2 Physics background, you can only read < 50% of Science courses in the University.
But if you've already made up your mind to take a course in the University that is Biology based, by all means take H2 Biology (and H2 Chemistry, which would almost certainly be more relevant to the University Biology course, compared to H2 Physics).
Why are you all talking about "A" level subject when TS is a "N" level guy?
Originally posted by Lokey:
Why are you all talking about "A" level subject when TS is a "N" level guy?
Because this is an N level guy aspiring to do O levels. Your N level subjects will determine your O level subjects will determine your A level subjects will determine your Uni subjects. Now do you see the link?
Originally posted by UltimaOnline:
Because this is an N level guy aspiring to do O levels. Your N level subjects will determine your O level subjects will determine your A level subjects will determine your Uni subjects. Now do you see the link?
I dont. On the neighborhood school setting, only the top few O levels students will get to study A level. I would advise TS to take the N level --> O level --> Poly --> Uni (optional) route.
cos not every one is so smart like u.
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:anticipated response from you, why bio less valuable,
bio is not less valuable but it is too difficult.
Originally posted by UltimaOnline:
Because this is an N level guy aspiring to do O levels. Your N level subjects will determine your O level subjects will determine your A level subjects will determine your Uni subjects. Now do you see the link?
The difficulty level between N lvls and O lvls is quite far and even further between O lvls and A lvls. Doing well in N lvls doesn't mean you will do well in O lvls, likewise for O lvls and A lvls
put it in a simple way, you can still do bio at higher levels even when you do not have the foundation, just that you need more time.
It is much harder to do physics or chemistry at higher level when you do not have foundation.
N level students usually have difficulties in their language expression, hindering them from both learning and writing. On top of that, their memory and logical thinking power needs improvement. If you look into the sec 3 combined chemistry syllabus in N, O level and Pure Chem. Their contents are 1:2:5 respectively, meaning that a N level student only study about 20% or less of what a O level Pure Chem is studying. So therefore when going to A level, which is an extension of O level Pure Chem, an N level student will have difficulties furthering. On top of that, N level worksheets and exam usually come with helping words to help them to fill in the "blank". Actually, their problem lies really with disciplines and attendance in class. So their expectation in mastering the content is less. This only means that they are less academic inclined, but not inferior in sports, arts, musics and other talents.
The reason why bio is difficult is because, bio requires student to memorize many terms, and all the exams are essay based, which require vigorous writing for essay that may be at least 2 pages long for 4 questions in a 2 hour paper. It is not the cup of tea for most people, not to mention TS.
I think you should brush up your chinese, read more books newspaper etc to learn more chinese words, it'll help. Since from the start it's because of chinese that you cant transfer to express, i think you must put more effort to pass it. Anyway you're close to 50 marks also..
Many people say history easy it's because when teachers prepare you for N/O levels they will give you TONS and TONS essays to memorize. If you're those with damn pro memorizing skills you can score well for SEQ but of course must do well for SBQ also in order to get good marks for combined humanities.
Last time when i was in sec 3 meeting my CH teacher for the first time, he also told us those choose SS/Hist will score well or better than those who take SS/Geog becos SS & Hist is kind of same whereas geog still need to leasrn those maps and grids thingy. But I feel what he said is abit bullshit la, cos i took SS/Hist and sometimes it confused me, idk about other people but for me cos SS and Hist in some topics will like somewhat related and sometimes will mix up which is for which subjects, lol.
And hist is like SS, SBQ requires practice but worse is SEQ, unless you can write those essays questions in your own words really well, most of students just memorize the essays given by teachers. Like in 2009 Olvl, my teacher kind of keep emphasizing on Venice(one of the topic he spotted on), and most of them is like last minute that kind, so they only memorize Venice, and in the end in olvl Venice never even came out -.- one of my classmate who took SS/Geog got a D7 i think becos of the SEQ. Anyway luckily i studied both Globalisation and Venice and got a B3 :D But Venice is quite hard to memorize.
For history my teacher told us to memorize 3 topics' essays which is equal to i think 10+ essays questions, for me is like can die already. and i just memorized 2 out of 3. Luckily in olvl 3 all came out and I cant choose which i want to answer..
But if you really like geog and you get good grade for geog for EOY this year, i recommend you take it so you wont regret or something...
last time i chose history is becos my sec 2 hist got higher marks than geog.. lol
For Principles of Accounts, you can go bookstores like Popular what, there sure got textbooks on POA, you can just flip and see through and you will see if you're interested in POA. I've taken POA and gotten A2 in Olvl, it's not hard once you got the hang of it. But also need memorizing skills cos need to memorize theory as in exam they will ask theory questions also, also need memorize alot of things too.
If you got a good POA teacher it will be great, when i was sec 3 my POA teacher, when she teach whole dont understand a thing, and for the first few chapters i didnt do well, but after my friends taught me i can do it already, and for the rest of the chapter i can follow already. But i dont think it's related to maths, it's kind of totally different from maths, except that we need to calculate sums & money etc, all is new stuffs. POA requires practice also, you need to practice alot to get to know different kinds of POA questions. And it's alot of drawing up accounts, tables.. once you get the hang of it, it's really easy and you can really score.
If you're interested in going into accountancy or business related courses in poly, i recommend you take up POA, cos at least you will have the foundation there.
In my secondary school, NA classes some have Amaths, but I never heard that there's pure science subjects for them, unless you're in express i think. Myabe you can appeal and talk to the teachers about this matter if you really want take pure sciences.
Anyway in my school, there's only 1 pure sciences class and when Olvl's approaching alot of them dropped to combined science cos alot of them didnt do well for class tests, exams so they're afraid later it affects their Olvl result.
Anyway I hope you do well for your english too in future cos if you passed all subjects but failed english, it's kind of equal to all fail also lor. I mean in O level lah. Cos sec 1 english exams still ok ok one bah.
Ok i sounded so long winded but I hope it helps.