Back then during the start of my 2nd sem in NTU; NIE, I nearly failed my 1st number theory test and thought I am really going to get something less than an A for my Number Theory this sem.
Thanks to professor Wee's guidance as well as the websites he shared with me, I managed to ace all my remaining tests, and likely the final exam as well. With that, I manage to get my A+ for both maths modules.
Though my CGPA went down a bit as I did not get at least an A for the rest of my modules, but many thanks to professor Wee here for his guidance.
Hopefully I can push up my CGPA in the sems to come.
Congrats on your well-deserved great results! I am very happy and proud of you regardless, for you took all the initiative to maximise your learning :)
Jiayou and continue to excel and enjoy the learning of mathematics! The best is yet to be, thanks.
Wen Shih