Hi all, it's me again.
For General Paper essays (Paper 1), i find myself constantly stuck at 26/50 or thereabouts.
I'd get like 12/20 for language, and 14/30 for content. Markers of my scripts have always remarked that my scope is too narrow and hence my half-pass-six content grade.
I am doing very general questions like globalization, "is winning everything?" , kind of questions as recommended by my tutor. I think my problem is in the brainstorming of the question even before i start writing the actual essay. Can anyone give me some advice on how to ensure that my scope is broad enough?
Plan essay for 10 mins before writing. That's what I do.
1) Intro + Thesis Statement introducing 4 points
2) Point 1 + substantiation + elaboration
3) Point 2 + substantiation + elaboration
4) Point 3 + substantiation + elaboration
5) Point 4 + substantiation + elaboration
6) OPTIONAL: mini conclusion + 1 counter-point + counter the counter point somewhat
7) Conclusion, summing up all 4 points.
It means once u write out of point, gone case?
Reading widely also help. Besides the "regular" recommendations (i.e., Time, Reader's Digest, The Economist, National Geographic), also read the lesser known ones like The World and I (http://www.worldandi.com/), Wired (http://www.wired.com/), etc. Reading non-fiction books is also helpful.
If you are interested to see the range of GP essays asked over the years, surf over to:
http://www.ascklee.org/Stuff.html (scroll right down).
http://ascklee.org/ for free materials on additional mathematics.