I have looked through the subject combinations of certain JCs and it seems like none of them are offering Geography and History H2 together as a main combination. It seems like they are encouraging one of the above along with Economics H2. However, I'm interested in H2 Mathematics, Geography, History and Economics or English Literature along with a H3 in Geopolitics. Is a combination with both Geography and History advisable? It seems that it is a strongly discouraged 'odd' combination. Oh, if you are interested in my grades, my Geography, History and English Literature grades are pretty stellar and my English has always been a strong department of mine. I also have great interest in the former two. Thank you for any help rendered! =D
As a science student, i cannot render much assistance
But these are the combi in VJC, my JC
Compulsory: Maths
Option One: Either ELL or TSD
Option Two: Geog or History
Option Three: Econs, CSE or others arts subject (But no History and Geog)
The reason why history and geog is not offered together as it may be too hard for people to cope, and ELL notes are 10 times thinner than geog and history.
Economics seems to be the most useful arts subject, as many of famous arts course requries it such as BBA, LLB etc.
In addition, you cannot take H3 in JC1, exceptionally strong students in H2 subject (for geo is geography OR history) will be selected on an opt in basis to take H3, Hence, focus on either subject, do very well (like top 20 for subject) and opt for it, Selection is based on overall subject merit