Originally posted by FireIce:form teacher
Ok noted.
I will email to the form teacher to have the T form.
But I hv already submitted the s1 form to the school.
Am I too late to do now?
On 22nd Dec will know the posting of the secondary school.
Now is already 1st Dec.
it's a not T form
form T = form teacher
u have to send the appeal letter to the sch P first
so tt he/she can review and decide whether to consider accepting or put on waiting list or jit tao reject
the P might conduct interview with the student
when the posting is out, if u get into the desired sch, then good loh
if u get posted to somewhere else, u have to go there and report first
then go the intended sch and find the P, ask the P want to accept the student or not
if P say no, then too bad, go back to the sch posted
if P say welcome, then make arrangement to withdraw from the first sch and transfer to the intended sch
P stands for Principal
Thanks Fire.
Will take note of this.
ha...I thought is a kind of form...hahahaha
get ready to receive the posting results tml~
Yes FIRE, this morning at 11am, will be going down to the school with my kid.
I am so sad that i didn't get into the school i like
going to appeal?
that school full le, and they only accept 200 students this year
Originally posted by FireIce:
can find the last 3 to 5 yrs one?? heard my cousin was top student too leh.. and her twin sis was 3rd or 4th.... but not in sg to confirm that leh... got bo FI jie jie.... find for mi ok?
i not fwee.
I am happy that I did not go for appeal but was accepted in even though my kid T score did not meet the min score but misses a few points.
Tomorrow will be going to the sec school to buy books and uniform.
How much should I bring tomorrow?
Fire? $200 enough?
textbooks for all subjects and other stuff (like exercise books, files, stationery, dictionary, calculator) shd set u back about $200 oredi
uniform one set is $30+ these days?
and oso PE attire....
shoes and socks oso needed (for some schools)
Oh my......seem like $200 not really enough.
Make it $400, minus out those stationery (pen and pencils dic, calc, etc).
Probably need to withdraw more cash.
some schs want the students to use all the standardised stuff (like dict, calc)
some schs let students use their own
u wun relli know until u see the list
if is boy u have to prep the D&T kit, ger is got home-econs items like apron, sewing kit
those exercise books, 作文簿, drawing block u dunno how many needed for this year oso, so just buy a stack of each (can use throughout sec sch anyway)
and some teachers will announce somemore things to buy after lessons start
400 is not enough. last time my sis spent 600
I spend almost $350 minus out the pe tshirt.
Books already cost $280, while uniform $110.
Left outstanding is 2 school shoes (will get it from world of sports : $38 for a pair of shoes) and pe shirts.
Roughly spend slightly above $450.
Goodness...everything so expensive.
No wonder birth rate declining.
Stages of life all involve costs!
this is life in sg
Originally posted by likeyou:I spend almost $350 minus out the pe tshirt.
Books already cost $280, while uniform $110.
Left outstanding is 2 school shoes (will get it from world of sports : $38 for a pair of shoes) and pe shirts.
Roughly spend slightly above $450.
Goodness...everything so expensive.
No wonder birth rate declining.
Stages of life all involve costs!
whats your son score
anyway, the spending gets more as we have 8 subjects, and we need tons of excerise books, tons of assement books to stay in the top!
Originally posted by Jiani:anyway, the spending gets more as we have 8 subjects, and we need tons of excerise books, tons of assement books to stay in the top!
Yeah, 8 subjects....new beginning, and not over yet.....there will be more things to buy too....as what you say. :(