As above, what's your thought on this course?
All I know that it is rather a relatively new course with quite a small
intake. COP for A levels is AAA/A and diploma COP is in the range of
Any comments are greatly appreciated especially from people of that
Originally posted by FlamingWind:As above, what's your thought on this course?
All I know that it is rather a relatively new course with quite a small intake. COP for A levels is AAA/A and diploma COP is in the range of 3.6-3.8.
Any comments are greatly appreciated especially from people of that course.
From what I heard (not what I confirm), most of them will work for the government.
What they work as, I have no idea.
Green buildings.
you get a nice job with high pay at NEA
it is a sustainable course, but to achieve sustainable results....graduates must innovate than just carry out environmental audits