I'm interested in the architecture of circuit boards.. Like designing microchips, gpu, cpus, mobos and I would love to do these for a living. I like computer programming too, mainly hard coding. Repairing computers, making custom built computers, speccing up your computers, I enjoy doing these.
Which course should I take in uni?
Grades : GP-D Bio-B Chem-B Maths-B Geog-B PW-D
No physics background.
Can anyone tell me more about these courses and their requirements? Would be grateful :)
Check these websites:
They would provide you with the info you need to decide :)
Wen Shih
NTU computer engin
NTU elect engin
NUS elect & comp engin
SIT elect engin and IT
if no phy u have to take the foundation or bridging modules
is D a failing grade?
No, its a failed grade.
Do i stand a chance of entering this course? Coz I'll retake A levels if i need a better grade
Originally posted by Siliconchip:is D a failing grade?
D is not a failed grade.
Under the H1 and H2 grading system, pass grades are A, B, C, D and E and failed grades are S (40 - 44%) and U (0 - 39%).
Originally posted by Kingboonz:Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering - Full Time)
Do i stand a chance of entering this course? Coz I'll retake A levels if i need a better grade
I assume you are going to army, and hence have the time to re-take A levels.
You can try applying for it, but I can assure you that without A level physics background, you will be killed in a few of the modules before you complete year 2 for this bachelor. I'm a EE grad myself from NUS.
The modules you could potentially die from:
PC1431: Physics 1
PC1432: Physics 2
EG1108: Electrical Engineering
EE2011: {I forgot the name}
EE2005: {I forgot the name}