Diploma in Mobile & Network Services (MNS)
- http://www-iit.tp.edu.sg/iit_home/iit_courses/iit_ft_courses/iit_ftc_mwc.htm
I am a graduate of this diploma.
During the course of three years, I gained the experience of a lifetime. Mugging for exams, shouting across the lab during practicals, sleeping during lectures; these are some of the things I did with my friends that I fondly think back upon.
During my first year, I came in with almost zero knowledge of IT. The foundations were slowly laid, with the help of my lecturers, and these foundations were excellent stepping stones into my second year. Each and every student had to choose one of the two specialisation routes: Mobile Solutions or ITSM (IT Service Management). For me, I picked Mobile Solutions, and the door to the development of mobile apps (iPhone apps! =P) opened wide for me. Like most diplomas, MNS third year students will embark on their Student Internship Program as well as Major Project. This gives every individual relevant industry experience as well as places a group to be responsible for their project, allowing them to be ready for the future.
In MNS, some of the modules I took include:
PRSP Problem Solving & Programming
OOPG Object-Oriented Programming
DSAG Data Structures & Algorithms
SSSD Server Side Software Development
MSYD Mobile System Development
In Mobile Solutions, our studies primarily focused on application development. Therefore, I had more modules related to programming, as compared to the other option ITSM.
MNS has fuelled my passion of Information Technology, as well as given me an edge when it comes to mobile application development. I have also gained a wealth of good friends, friends that I know will last for a long, long time. In addition, through the diploma, I managed to take part in several competitions that added a whole new avenue of experience for me. In these competitions, such as Microsoft Office Skills, Yahoo! Go, and Imagine Cup, I bring back with me memories, a great experience, and a project that I can add to my portfolio. I have not forgotten how unique my Major Project was as well! Entitled SnapIT, the project was very researched based, something distinct from the usual project with guidelines given by lecturers. My group even touched on the very specialised field of Optical Character Recognition, something extremely hard to find in a polytechnic diploma's curriculum.
I daresay my polytechnic life has been indescribable in words; you have to experience it yourself to believe it =)
Dear icyfire_tp,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I sincerely hope the very best for all your future endeavour!
Best Regards,
Chin Seng
Homework Forum Moderator