1. What is e minimum gpa required from Poly to get into SIM??
2. How is uni sim different from sim global education??
Thanks lots guys!!!!
1. the minimum gpa, i am not very sure about it, but I assume it to be quite low. However, there is such a requirement from UNISIM, that is to have 2 years of working experience. I am not sure whether the 2 years should be the working experience after the poly or it can be acumulated during the past few years.
2. UNISIM will issue certs represent UNISIM Singapore, however SIM GE issue cert from University from overseas. Different course have cert issued from different uni( you should check out the reputation of the selected UNI, some ranking is way too low and not reputable, while some is recognise is Singapore.) the cert issued is more recognised if you decide to work in oversea, but if you intend to stay and work in Singapore during your lifetime, choose UNISIM instead, as the cert is issued by our own country, it is recognised in here.