I find this topic challenging as it does not just require you to apply the formulas.It seems like it involves a lot of thinking?Any techniques,anyone?Thanks a lot
This topic has the following items:
1. AP/GP, in which there are results to recall;
2. Real-life problems involving AP/GP, where one has to be able to determine whether to use AP or GP;
3. Binomial series (related to later topics Maclaurin's Expansion and Small Angle Approximations), though easy at first glance, may have parts that are challenging;
4. Recurrences, which is a difficult area to understand with many students;
5. Summation of series, which also requires students to recall results;
6. Method of differences, in which some parts are problematic for many students; and
7. Mathematical induction involving conjectures often stump students.
Have a look at my checklist of concepts and skills for a detailed description of these items:
Thanks and happy learning!
Wen Shih