how do i answer LORMS questions! my teacher said there are 3 types of questions for LORMS. they are: explain, compare factors and evaluate. she also said that the 'evaluate' type questions are the most common. this is the way she taught us for those questions can someone confirm if its correct. ( the way i write it) pls thanks so much for the help!
eg:evaluate the measure taken to minimise the impacts of earthquakes.
1st part of 1st para: explain the strategy n give info about it.
eg: one of the strategies to minimise the impacts of earthquakes is to build new infrastructures that can withstand earthquakes. steel rods are cross-braced around buildings. shock absorbers are also placed at the base of the building.
2nd part of 1st para: give an example
eg: for example, in japan new infrastructures are cross-braced with steel rods to reduce the shaking when an earthquake occurs
3rd part of 1st para: evaluate the strategy (evaluate the 1st part not 2nd)
eg: this strategy is effective as the infrastructure would not be damaged and it would not collapse even after a powerful earthquake hits it. this is proven in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake as the new earthquake resistant earthquakes only swayed when the earthquake occured and there was no damage on the buildings
LORMS refer to Levels Of Response Mark Scheme for most of us who are unfamiliar with the acronym.
This site may shed some light on LORMS:
Wen Shih
hi wen shih, thanks for the info, but can u tell me the types of question for LORMS and the format for them.
n btw for plate tec wad questions can they test besides the 'how do people adapt to earthquakes?' because so far, my teacher taught us LORMS using this example, gave us a test using the same example and gave homework using the same example. just that she phrased it differently. i posted another topic but no one answered. hope u can help me thanks
I believe your teacher was showing you the variations of the same thing but requiring varied responses.
I'd encourage you to look at Geography assessment books and school exam papers to have a feel of the kinds of question that may be asked.
Wen Shih
When you study, go for breadth and depth. Breadth allows you to become competent in answering questions of any topic and variation; depth gives you the ability to provide answers that will meet the marker's requirements, giving you high scores.
To recall and master content, try to summarise them with mindmaps, linking various concepts and ideas in ways that will help you to answer question variations.
Thanks and jiayou!
Wen Shih
You're welcome!
It's logical to focus on the bigger picture than a single item.
Wen Shih